成田記念病院 en Toyohashi



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134 Haneihonmachi, Toyohashi, Aichi 441-8029, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 532-31-2167
sitio web: www.meiyokai.or.jp
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Latitude: 34.759021, Longitude: 137.3783677

comentarios 5

  • 岩間順平



    I took care of him for a total of one year between 2023 and 2024, both inpatient and outpatient. ◾️ Outpatient related First, plastic surgery. Mr. S Mizu is in charge. Due to a unique situation, my primary care doctor was unable to attend due to being far away, so I was asked to follow up with him at this hospital on his behalf. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for renting this space. He is also a perfect attending physician. However, since there are many orthopedic patients and the patients are excellent, it is quite popular and crowded. There was only one person at Date who was working as the vice director at the time. Next is brain surgery. Mr. Hyama is in charge. The image is that there are fewer vacancies compared to orthopedic surgery. Depopulation. Personally, this is a little annoying. My escort told me that I didn't want to see her. At the time of my medical examination, I had mentioned the word Kampo, so I guess it's not like I didn't know the classic book on Chinese medicine, Kinki Yoryaku. However, the fact that it was not prescribed cannot be shaken. In the end, after reading a considerable number of case studies and medical papers, I decided to take the Chinese herbal medicine, believing that it had a promising medicinal effect, and it was effective. Without exaggeration, I have almost completely recovered. I have no intention of bringing up just this example and saying that ○○ is effective. However, aside from Chinese medicine, which can have side effects, doctors who are not familiar with the ``Sensing Brain Opening Method,'' which is clearly said to be effective, have doubts about their skill, and I think they should be given a double opinion. If I were to rate this doctor alone, I would rate it 1 or 2. Well, since I am greatly indebted to being the acting attending physician, my evaluation is as follows. If you come as an outpatient, most of your consultations will be in the morning, so it tends to be crowded in the morning. As a result, each waiting time is long and it is difficult to predict the end time. This may be the fate of hospitals, but since I'm not used to hospitals, I get the impression that the waiting time is long. ◾️Hospitalization There is a wireless line here. (I have hidden the password) The medical record is shared with the Second Narita Kinen, but This caused me trouble. I was once abused at Narita Dai-ni when I was hospitalized, so I submitted a complaint, but it seemed like it was just the delusions of a mentally ill person. I was a mess because of that. The first day was difficult because I was taken at face value. Nursing and therapists do what they do, so there is no problem. The nurse's attitude is not good, but I won't deduct points. If you think there is a problem, please contact the Higashi Mikawa College of Nursing, which is the source of the discharge. ▪️Overview There is no doubt that it is the best hospital in the city. However, it should be noted that not everything a doctor says is exactly correct. It is up to you, not the doctor, to decide whether you will be cured or not. My opinion is that this wealth of knowledge helps in making decisions, but it is not always the correct answer. In my case, it just worked. Oriental medicine is quite weak, so please follow it yourself.

  • テツヤ



    I use it for milestone checkups, but they seem to be lax about alerting me to illnesses. It's better to check the numbers when you get the diagnosis results without taking these words seriously.

  • 鈴木拓也



    Dr. Toyama, a gastroenterologist, was in charge of the tests. I was a little worried because there was only one person who didn't even have a title such as 〇〇 Society〇〇 Doctor, etc., but the examination and report of the results were very sloppy and gave me a very cold impression. The examination lasts only about a minute, and they don't listen to me about any concerns I may have. In addition, the test results are completed in about 10 seconds. There is no explanation of where the numbers are high or bad, or how to improve them, just the results. Scroll through the pictures of Echo and others. This was my first time seeing a doctor who was so sloppy. We do not recommend it.

  • Fiona O'Brien

    Fiona O'Brien


    I truly think it was such a bad experience.my grandma is sick and is about to pass away and our family is devastated and we went to see the doctor and he was being so rude.saying if he wants to complain to go to a different hospital.I think it’s sad that he could be so rude to a person that is about to pass,and that the doctor hasn’t even experienced what it is like to be sick.The doctor should at least been kind,this is very disappointing and sad to see.the doctor was small and had glasses and was working in the A rooms

  • 443



    Although there are some bad reviews, I have been using them for many years. Moreover, I don't go there all the time; I come here whenever I feel unwell, so the department I see each time is different. I was hospitalized and underwent surgery.The other day, I felt vaguely unwell and didn't know which department to see, so I went to the hospital, but they took care of me. I don't see anyone being mean at all. I will continue to visit you in the future. The Chinese restaurant on the second floor has a toast set that's perfect for when you're feeling hungry!!!

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