Korakuan Hamamatsu w Hamamatsu

JaponiaKorakuan Hamamatsu



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1229 Aritama Kitamachi, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-3121, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 53-543-9070
strona internetowej: karakuan-hamamatsu.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7649876, Longitude: 137.7594617

komentarze 5

  • ハロ



    I liked the staff and the atmosphere inside the store. Maybe it was because there were a lot of female groups and older people, but the voices were loud and a bit annoying. There were many types of coffee, but since I wasn't familiar with them, I asked for a recommendation.

  • 立花潤生



    Order a drink and get toast, boiled egg, and dessert! Free breakfast is amazing! I was so excited. I ended up ordering French toast. Being in the middle of nature, the sky was so vast. A very relaxing coffee shop!

  • Darren



    The location is easy to find as it is across from Sekishi Elementary School. It was around 3pm on a weekday, but there were a lot of people parked in the parking lot, so I felt it was a popular restaurant. There is a corner selling coffee by weight right after entering the entrance. I was told, ``Please take any seat you like,'' and took a seat at a table for four by the window. The interior of the store is an open space with bright light, and you can spend a relaxing time while looking out at the Japanese garden. Dainagon Zenzai had a refreshing taste and was easy to eat. I selected my own cake set from the showcase near the cash register, and the staff decorated it for me. There is a wide variety of rare coffees and teas from all over the world, so if you are not sure which one is best, you can rest assured that the staff will recommend something that suits your taste. PayPay available.

  • 346



    It's a coffee shop with a very beautiful garden. The tables are decorated with fresh flowers, and the atmosphere inside is very nice. There is a wide variety of coffee, and you can enjoy many different brands. However, the price is quite high...I feel a little reluctant to see Hamamatsu so bullish. It may have been a coincidence, but the staff was very manual in their response, and even though they knocked over a tableware while cleaning up another table (the customer had left the restaurant), they didn't care about the people around them. I regret that I didn't hear back from you.

  • Mi Ho

    Mi Ho


    21.05.12 Looking for delicious coffee and a relaxing space! There are 6 types of original blends, so you can have a lot of fun☕ Among them, I ordered "Yamaya" for 550 yen, which had a distinct bitterness and richness❗ This is delicious coffee ✨ The cup is also nice 😊 The rim of the cup is thin so it's easy to drink and the aroma is nice 💛 The background music is also relaxing ♬ The table is at the perfect height and natural light comes in from outside, making it the perfect space for working on documents and reading ♪

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