Komorosoba Shinkoshigayaekiten i Koshigaya

JapanKomorosoba Shinkoshigayaekiten



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Japan, 〒343-0845 Saitama, Koshigaya, Minamikoshigaya, 1-chōme−11−4 東武伊勢崎線新越谷駅構内 3階
kontakter telefon: +81 48-960-1090
internet side: www.k-mitsuwa.co.jp
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Latitude: 35.8754958, Longitude: 139.7897483

kommentar 5

  • Vサンダー



    Komoro soba is of a very high quality for a standing soba restaurant located inside a station. There are some people who don't have very good customer service, but it's okay ◯

  • RA URA

    RA URA


    [Komoro Soba] Shinkoshigaya Station store Inside Tobu Skytree Line Shin-Koshigaya Station There is a store. If you don't enter the station I can't go into the store. Both exterior and interior It has become beautiful after renovation. Eating while standing You can sit and eat instead. Meal ticket system. Delivery speed, cost performance, and set are the best. Considering the recent rush to raise prices, common people A strong ally for office workers. The taste is... Don't ask for too much. I was looking for too much soba flavor. No. Well, it's generally delicious.

  • かんたむ君



    I often go there on weekend nights. I usually have two pieces of chilled tanuki. When something good happens or when you're really hungry I received a set of shrimp tempura bowl and seiro soba. The soba noodles are delicious for a restaurant like this! I also like the taste of the soup♥ It's also nice to be able to add lots of green onions yourself. The tempura is made in advance, so it's not as crispy. Considering the price, this is enough However, sometimes the rice is too soft. It gets sticky when the soup from the bowl gets on it. Did you use the wrong amount of water? ? But really, sometimes I won't mind coming back to eat here ♥

  • 山本



    I was looking for some ramen to finish off my drink and found this place so I stopped by. I felt lonely eating kake soba, so I ordered kakiage soba (470 yen). It's my first time eating it, but it's pretty good! I also like that you can add a lot of green onions. There are regular shichimi and yuzu shichimi, and the different flavors are fun.

  • 西クマ



    The soba that I used to eat at the Kayabacho store is available in Koshigaya City, which is relatively close to Minami Saitama, so I rode my bicycle 4km one way, bought a train ticket, and went out of my way to eat at this store on the premises. I received a large serving of kakiage soba for ¥520. The taste hasn't changed. The soup stock, which had a nice aroma of dashi, remained intact. This is Tsuyu, which is the exact opposite of "Irorian Kiraku" outside the station. This is made with dashi and has a thin texture. This one comes with a piece of kamaboko and spinach dipping sauce, so it's a good value for money. It has a refreshing taste, so it's close to my preference. Komoro Soba's soba is made by boiling raw noodles and reheating them, so the noodles will be a little softer if they are warm. It is very similar to "Aizu" in Katsushika Ward. The special feature is that you can add as much chopped green onion as you like, and there is also yuzu shichimi chili pepper to further enhance the flavor of the soup. Chilled tanuki soba is also delicious in the summer. This is a restaurant that I can recommend among chain restaurants. It was a fun time that reminded me of 30 years ago.

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