Kominka Cafe Chaaya in Naha

JapanKominka Cafe Chaaya



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2-chōme-6-6 Asato, Naha, Okinawa 902-0067, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 90-7586-7526
webseite: www.facebook.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 26.217965, Longitude: 127.6947691

kommentare 5

  • Adam Levi Gustafsson Trock Hempler

    Adam Levi Gustafsson Trock Hempler


    I loved this place! Great tea, kind staff, cozy atmosphere 😊

  • Bobby_foodieee



    Not welcome foreigners and the waiter is very rude

  • Janet Lam

    Janet Lam


    Situated in a quiet alley just next to the Kokusai-dori, this cafe is a hidden gem! The atmosphere was cozy and nostalgic. We had the traditional set and the cold Okinawa soba, which both tasted really nice. The menu only has very limited choice of food but it is understandable as there is only one lady taking care of both cooking and serving. A previous reviewer mentioned that he was turned away a doorstep because he was a foreigner. We did not encounter this; rather the hostess was very polite and tried her best to communicate with me although I spoke broken Japanese only. We had a wonderful time here relaxing from the hustle and bustle of the Kokusai-dori.

  • Nathawuth Wongwutcharanukoun (Kim)

    Nathawuth Wongwutcharanukoun (Kim)


    This cafe is so underrated. This should deserve more popularity. The atmosphere is like we are in the Ryukyu era. Food and sweets are all good. Must come here again for sure!

  • Ivan Drienik

    Ivan Drienik


    Calming place outside of city rush. I got the daily menu which includes soup and main course with tender and juicy spare ribs.

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