Inshallah in Naha




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1-chōme-3-63 Makishi, Naha, Okinawa 900-0013, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 98-866-6840
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 26.2158568, Longitude: 127.6866376

kommentare 5

  • Monica PIneda

    Monica PIneda


    A must visit underground retro kissaten that serves Turkish coffee. 👍☺️

  • Oswaldo Cerrato

    Oswaldo Cerrato


    So cool, in the basement, every little detail is cool here, I needed coffee at 8pm, you almost forgot your in busy Naha.

  • Suchanat C.

    Suchanat C.


    Coffee shop in comfy turkish style. Nice cocoa and excellent service. The owner is very friendly with foreigner and has very good service mind.

  • ワールドガイド



    The name of this cafe is “In Sha Allah”. As you can tell from its name,this is a Middle East themed cafe and you can have Arabic coffee,Turkish coffee,etc. This cafe opened in 1974 and it has been loved for a long time. It’s located on Kokusai street but the sign is simple,so be careful not to go past.

  • Harbani Kaur

    Harbani Kaur


    I absolutely love the vibe of this place! This cafe is a hidden gem in kokusai dori in naha. It's in the basement with a sole owner. Most things off the menu are home made are the best things you'll ever have like their blueberry cheesecake which just melts in your mouth and their arabian coffee!

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