Komeda's Coffee en Miyazaki

JapónKomeda's Coffee



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140番地 Yanagimaruchō, Miyazaki, 880-0844, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 985-41-5075
sitio web: www.instagram.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 31.9262789, Longitude: 131.4356737

comentarios 5

  • Hanako Hana

    Hanako Hana


    I arrived just before 7:30 on a Saturday morning and had to wait a while to be seated. There seemed to be empty seats, but it didn't seem like they were doing anything to guide us. It's summer vacation, so I'm busy. I received a morning meal. Delicious coffee, toast, boiled eggs, I'm satisfied.

  • u y

    u y


    Visited 2024/7. I came to the store to have lunch using electronic money as a shareholder benefit. This store is located across the street from Phoenix Garden. The parking lot is spacious and seems to be shared with surrounding stores. I ordered "pizza toast with lots of eggs" and "Nagoya specialty Ankake spa". The pizza toast has egg salad between two slices of bread, making it very filling. Ankake spa was spicy and delicious.

  • 幸子松田



    It was busy at noon, but I was able to get a seat easily. The seats were comfortable and I was able to eat without worrying about my surroundings, which was nice.

  • a-mugi



    It's been a while since I've had Komeda Coffee's morning breakfast. The parking lot was busy from the morning. Handsman next door also opens at 7 o'clock or so, so I almost forget that it's still early in the morning. lol The kids had melon soda and cocoa. I was happy to be able to eat it in the morning. For adults, use 1.5 times the blend. And the thick sliced ​​bread that came with it was crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, making me feel like I had come to Komeda Coffee♡, and I was happy. By the way, the round bread was sold out, so I'll have to go early next time! ️ Coffee is also delicious (o^^o) Well, I have the impression that the amount has decreased a little due to the high prices, but I think there was a volume typical of Komeda Coffee.

  • shuji nomoto

    shuji nomoto


    Cafe ☕

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