あめいろCAFE en Miyazaki




🕗 horarios

10-18 Miyatachō, Miyazaki, 880-0804, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 985-69-4566
sitio web: ameirocafe.owst.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 31.910929, Longitude: 131.4268238

comentarios 5

  • a-mugi



    There's an event nearby, so it's been a while ⭐︎ I ordered an ame-iro lunch that included an appetizer, main course, dessert, and drink. Everything is delicious, but the ``karasumi pasta'' I chose for the main dish is truly exquisite! ! I had never eaten Karasumi before, so this was actually my first time trying it! This seems to be an oil-based pasta, but there is no sauce with water (oil). However, the flavor of the mullet and the texture of the chewy pasta stood out, and it was so delicious that I was impressed when I took a bite. I came with my 3rd grade child, and I gave him a bite. By the way, this is my child's first time eating mullet. Is it okay? That's what I thought, but the flavor of the seafood spreads and it's delicious! And the second bite too. That ended there, but to be honest, it was so delicious that I didn't want to give it a third bite (lol) If you can't decide on the menu, how about Karasumi Pasta? My child ordered a BLT burger. It looked delicious! However, she didn't like the carrot and purple cabbage rapé, so she passed it to me, and it was also spicy and delicious ♡ Also, I was soothed by the homely and courteous customer service (I think it was because there weren't many customers on a midsummer weekday...), and the cake and coffee were delicious ^ ^ Whatever you eat at this restaurant is delicious! I would like to visit you again♪

  • cci Gu

    cci Gu


    When I arrived at the store before it opened, there were already several customers waiting. We were shown to counter seats as soon as they opened, and by the time we ordered, the place was full. The atmosphere of the shop and staff is nice, and all the menu items are delicious. The meal will be served when you finish eating one meal. The timing was perfect for providing the next meal. [Menu ordered] ・Ameiro lunch (appetizer, main course, cake) ・Homemade ame-colored Karasumi Pasta ・Miyazaki strawberry French toast

  • Wooo




  • Lu-ise Hattingh

    Lu-ise Hattingh


    It was a really nice place! They have a lovely outside area. The food was okay, but we were a big group, so maybe they were stressed to make so many dishes at once.

  • Brian Tom

    Brian Tom


    the chicken nanban was raw in the center in a couple pieces, but other than that, it was a good meal. very nice atmosphere ;)

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