Kokuminsakabajiientoruman Yokosukachuoten en Yokosuka

JapónKokuminsakabajiientoruman Yokosukachuoten



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Japan, 〒238-0008 Kanagawa, Yokosuka, Ōdakichō, 2-chōme−11 寿楽ビル 1 階
contactos teléfono: +81 46-874-7845
sitio web: m.facebook.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.280947, Longitude: 139.670265

comentarios 5

  • 松岡照幸



    I have visited many locations of Jientoruman, a standing bar chain that originated in Yokohama, but the last one I had not used was the Yokosuka branch located at the southernmost tip. So, I came running from my home in the northern part of Yokohama to use this place. This is complete. I wonder if the owner operates it as a one-off operation? There are more precautions posted than other stores. Well, I guess that's true, so I'm not really concerned about it. Like other stores, drinks, food, everything is cheap. I really liked the food, and it's one of my favorites among the Jientruman stores. I would like to use it again.

  • Nestor Edgar Cuauhtemoc Gonzalez Rodriguez

    Nestor Edgar Cuauhtemoc Gonzalez Rodriguez



  • TAKA__ __mura3

    TAKA__ __mura3


    I've been there a few times, but the timing just doesn't work out so I haven't been able to go. Ate is a popular standing bar and low priced. The settings are a little high for me, a hoppy fan.

  • 9 hisashi

    9 hisashi


    I always stop by here when I come to Yokosuka. As expected, all ingredients and draft beer were not available due to Kanagawa Prefecture's own regulations. This place requires advance payment, so it's nice because you can see how much you've drunk. Bottled beer costs 410 yen (cheap), and food starts from 100 yen, so 1000 yen is enough to fill your stomach. There are store rules, so if you're visiting for the first time, be sure to check with the master.

  • Tyler B

    Tyler B


    As long as you have a semi tenuous grasp on the Japanese language I definitely recommend this place. The staff was very friendly, the drinks are good and extremely cheap. The food is not Michelin star, but it is great for the price. If you can order in Japanese and are looking for good food and drinks at a bargain price, this is the place for you. I will definitely be coming hear often. I love stand bars, I just wish Google maps would promote them more. PS they serve Hoppy.

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