Kojima Dental Clinic en Shibuya City

JapónKojima Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒150-0013 Tokyo, Shibuya City, Ebisu, 1-chōme−7−11 吉原ビル 2階
contactos teléfono: +81 3-6277-2150
sitio web: www.ebisu-west.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6481848, Longitude: 139.7103069

comentarios 5




    He is a reliable teacher and I am always indebted to him. You can rest assured that we will provide the treatment that is right for you. I received some advice on how to improve my condition, and I am now in a much better condition than before.

  • kou saku

    kou saku


    Thank you for your help with Botox treatment. The hospital was very clean and the staff were all very kind. The teacher in charge provided detailed explanations and treatment. I am very satisfied with the results. I would like to request more from you in the future.

  • aya (あや)

    aya (あや)


    I have been going to Kojima Dental for about 7 years. I have received a variety of treatments including cavities, tooth extractions, and Invisalign braces. You can rely on us as we will give you a satisfactory explanation and answer your questions accurately. The technology is wonderful, but most of all the personalities of the director, hygienist, and receptionist are wonderful. I am now receiving regular check-ups. They thoroughly inspect and clean every inch of your mouth, and explain the condition of your mouth, so you'll be more motivated every time you visit. This clinic is an essential part of my life. I will be indebted to you for the rest of my life. I look forward to working with you. The hospital is also very clean and tidy, so you will feel comfortable.

  • 純松田



    ・The content of our regular checkups is very detailed and specific, unlike any other dental clinic. Thanks to this, I was able to reconsider the way I brush my teeth and I think I am now able to keep them clean. ・The doctors are highly skilled and I don't think I have had any problems with my teeth since coming here. ・After teeth whitening (at home), my teeth became surprisingly white, and I was now able to smile and show my teeth, something I used to be embarrassed about. Since then, I have stopped drinking coffee and smoking, and my teeth have become less stained.

  • たい



    It's been 9 years since I started coming here in 2014. Initially, I was troubled by cavities and wisdom teeth, but thanks to the treatment and guidance of my doctor, I have remained cavity-free. At my regular check-ups, I received advice from a kind and thorough hygienist, and now I am trying to keep my teeth healthy. I feel so comfortable here that I have decided to stay there forever. I am always grateful for your help!

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