Atlas Tower Dental Clinic en Meguro City

JapónAtlas Tower Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒153-0051 Tokyo, Meguro City, Kamimeguro, 1-chōme−26−1, Nakameguro Atlas Tower, 2F
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5721-4188
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6436661, Longitude: 139.7003935

comentarios 5

  • レスペ



    The other day, my treatment was completed. Before the treatment, I went in with the intention of having my tooth removed due to severe pain, but the doctor in charge carefully recommended a treatment plan that would be better if I kept it, and now I am grateful that I was able to keep my tooth. Masu. thank you very much. I plan to go for regular check-ups in the future.

  • 多田梢



    My gums that were covered with ceramic had pus, and I had them treated here. At my previous visit to the dentist, the treatment period was one year, and the tooth was extracted, but at Atlas Tower Dental Clinic, the director told me that it would be better to save as much of the tooth as possible, so I decided not to extract the tooth. The treatment was completed in a month and a half. My front teeth, which I had been worried about, have receded and they look better. I knew it would be difficult to match the old ceramic color with the new ceramic color, but the color match was perfect and the result was better than I expected. It was really good! !

  • 橋本香乃



    Thank you for your correction. The counseling provided a thorough understanding of the patient's goals and wishes. I am very picky and asked many detailed questions during the consultation, but they responded with great care. I'm glad I went to this hospital.

  • 子月



    I was worried about orthodontics and saw it being talked about on social media, so I went for a free consultation. The doctor didn't come out, but the dental assistant looked at the teeth and verbally explained, ``Your teeth are in good alignment.It's best to have them extracted,'' and the process was over in less than three minutes. After that, I was given an estimate and was surprised to be told that partial correction was cheap, but that I would have to remove the area around my mouth. I want to withdraw... but this is the first time I've heard of it. Another orthodontist (a hospital owned by a doctor who is a board member of an academic society) took photos of my face and teeth even during the free consultation, and gave me a dental diagnosis, saying, ``This is different, but it's just teeth after all.A side view.'' "I want to look beautiful, don't I?" she explained exactly what she could and couldn't do (although I didn't quite understand what she was saying). It's pale in comparison. After all, orthodontic counseling should be done. I don't recommend this place.

  • rina sayama

    rina sayama


    I started orthodontic treatment at this hospital through the introduction of a friend. I used to hate going to the dentist because I'm sensitive to pain, but now I can go to the dentist without any worries. The doctor asks me if I have any concerns, checks my bite in detail, and makes adjustments, which makes me feel very safe. I was able to meet a teacher whose skills and personality I can trust! The receptionist and hygienist were both polite and very nice!

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