コーヒーショップパスワード i Kochi




🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-1-6 Obiyamachi, Kochi, 780-0841, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 88-825-1455
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.5607692, Longitude: 133.5417886

kommentar 5

  • 。 村田

    。 村田


    Morning 500 yen

  • は!!!



    I couldn't get into the store I always go to because it was lined up, so this time I used the password for the store I entered for the first time yesterday. The moment I entered the store, I felt like a failure. This store smells like cigarettes. A non-smoking store. The walls, curtains, and chair covers were tarnished. It felt like it was covered in tar. There is no ventilation fan. Failure. I had no choice but to eat it and leave. However, for smokers, this is the place to go. Toast doesn't have much butter. I hate the smell of cigarettes, so this is a store I will never go to again. disappointing.

  • Aiko Snow

    Aiko Snow


    Morning breakfast was cheap and the miso soup with bonito stock was delicious. The elderly clerks are happily working while having side meetings. It's nice to have a home-like atmosphere. I don't like Kishimame tea after a meal, but it's rare and good.

  • 佐伯耕四郎



    This is a shop where you can feel very relaxed by having small talk with the friendly owner and staff.

  • 龍涵



    A teahouse where you can feel the relaxed atmosphere of the place. The owner is a kind mother-in-law, and there is no smoking ban in the store. The black tea is delicious.

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