アドニス i Kochi




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒780-0870 Kochi, Honmachi, 4-chōme−2−39 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 88-823-8004
internet side: www.instagram.com
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Latitude: 33.5580278, Longitude: 133.5326379

kommentar 5

  • WADA 5

    WADA 5


    This coffee shop is located on the second floor of a building along Densha Dori, south of the Kencho-mae tram stop, near the street where Thursday Market is located. There is no parking lot. It seems to be open only during lunch time. The inside of the store is very trendy, with counter and table seats. The daily lunch special of 800 yen seems like a good deal. This time I bought a take-out lunch box for 600 yen including tax. Tuna cutlet, salad, simmered dried daikon radish, and mapo tofu. It is a Japanese-style side dish. Everything was home-cooked and delicious. I thought it was a good store.

  • N k

    N k


    🚬As the store allows smoking, no one under 20 years of age is allowed to enter. If you don't like the smell of cigarette smoke at certain times of the day, it's best to quit. No Wi-Fi The stairs are steep. The taste is normal.

  • 入江美里



    It's small and has a Showa era atmosphere. It's busy at lunchtime, so I always make a reservation. I'm always happy when I see a tray with lots of vegetables, fried food, very soft, small side dishes, and a small dessert. We are provided with healthy meals.

  • n



    I used it on Rumpus. It's because I get it cheap, but the first thing I always say is, ``I'd like a Rumpus, please.'' The amount of food at this store is different from that of regular customers. The plate with white rice, main side dish, and salad is smaller, and the portion of the small bowl is also smaller, so the price is appropriate for 500 yen. There are too many photos of Rumpus. The store is located in front of the government office, so it's best to avoid visiting between 12:00 and 13:00. Daily lunches are homemade. It has a mild flavor. The main dish was fried white fish, but the tartar sauce was also homemade. The sofa is old and has no cushioning. When I sit down, my lower back suddenly drops. I was surprised. It's a shop that also has an old feel to it. Due to poor ventilation, oil will stain your hair and clothes. It's not a completely non-smoking area, so if you smell cigarettes while eating, the delicious food will taste bad and you'll be disillusioned. Thank you for the meal.

  • こじゃんと高知スター



    I used it in Rumpus, but Gohan's level was high and there were quite a lot of them. Although it is only open for lunch, you can be satisfied with the daily menu.

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