コーヒー&レストラン シド w Shibata

Japoniaコーヒー&レストラン シド



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-1-24 Shineichō, Shibata, Niigata 957-0063, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 254-26-7530
strona internetowej: chanaone48.wixsite.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.955453, Longitude: 139.302202

komentarze 5

  • m ina

    m ina


    delicious Looks like you like the Beatles

  • ハルタロウ



    I lived near here over 10 years ago. I didn't have a chance to go because I was busy with work. It's been a while since I came to this place in the evening. I visited the store for the first time. Inside the store are guitars and Beatles posters, BGM is the Beatles. It's kind of nostalgic I felt like it. I had beef and asparagus pilaf. The seasoning was very delicious, not too strong and not too light. The Beatles in the store or in my head Golden Slumber was definitely flowing, I had a truly pleasant time. I'm also curious about other menu items, especially pasta. I would like to visit you again.

  • 真悟真悟



    I had been interested in it for a while, so my friend and I went in. m(__)m I've been here a few times for lunch, and everything from the appetizers is delicious! My friend was also happy! (^-^ゞ I wanted to try curry pasta, but this pasta, Neapolitan, appetizer, and bread were both delicious, so I ordered a refill (^ー^)

  • 荻野雅人



    The shop has a very nice atmosphere and makes you feel relaxed. Personally, I've recently become addicted to Neapolitan, and it was very delicious.

  • 塚田まこと



    If today's lunch was too Japanese and I thought it was Italian, I would get a lower score, but they did a great job with the balance and ingredients, so I can give it a good score. However, there is no visual surprise or sense of value. I think adding it to soup or miso soup will make you feel more satisfied. The coffee, as others have written, is delicious. Hot is recommended. The quantity is just right (you can get extra bread!), and there is a counter in addition to tables, so I think it's easy to use whether you're alone, in a group, or with a family. Of course, there were also chairs for small children.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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