Kōbe Tokushūkai Hospital in Kobe

JapanKōbe Tokushūkai Hospital



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1-chōme-3-10 Kamitakamaru, Tarumi-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 655-0017, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 78-707-1110
webseite: www.kobetokushukai.org
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.641434, Longitude: 135.050336

kommentare 5

  • T I

    T I


    About 13 years ago, my grandfather suddenly became unable to do things like get out of the car or flush the toilet, and my grandmother, who suspected he had a cerebral infarction, went to this hospital that day. Although she was diagnosed with no abnormalities, her grandmother became suspicious and went to another hospital, where she discovered that she had suffered a cerebral infarction. Since the diagnosis itself is performed by humans, there may be misdiagnosis, but it is a great inconvenience for patients. Or rather, it's deadly.

  • ふう



    Thank you for your help at the obstetrics and gynecology department. I am very grateful to Dr. Ishida, the obstetrician and gynecologist, and all the obstetrical staff, who are wonderful people. Dr. Ishida is kind and examines me very carefully. He explained anything I didn't understand, so I felt at ease during my consultation. There were many midwives, from young people to veterans, and they all cared for me and helped me with my concerns. Since I didn't know what to expect during childbirth, I chose to give birth at a general hospital with advanced medical technology. So I wasn't expecting the kind of service you'd find in a gorgeous maternity hospital that's trending right now. I had given up on the food, thinking it would definitely be bad since it was a general hospital. However, all of the maternity meals were really delicious, and I was able to have a beauty treatment in my hospital room, so I was able to relax and spend the difficult postpartum period. I'm so glad I gave birth at Kobe Tokushukai Hospital.

  • nan a

    nan a


    The hospital is dimly lit and has a heavy atmosphere. In addition to that, the response from the nurses is also at the lowest level. I always use it reluctantly because it's in my neighborhood, but I've often seen nurses interacting with elderly patients with irritation. The nurses who come to ask about your condition before your doctor's appointment always seem to be a pain, and it's obvious that they don't care to listen. Every time I go, I am left with nothing but discomfort.

  • レイサムライ



    Although it is a large hospital, each staff member and department has completely different responses and feelings, so the evaluation will be completely different depending on the staff member. This hospital is no different. Previously, I was rushed to the hospital and underwent surgery. I met and spoke with several doctors who were important to my treatment, and they were generally very responsive. The surgery was well done and I received thorough pre-operative explanations. However, I feel that the doctor's explanations and politeness were based on compliance, saying, ``If we do this, we won't have any complaints, right?'' I didn't feel like the doctor really cared about my concerns or feelings as a patient. But I think they also do it as a profession, so I can only thank them for doing it so carefully even if it's just a job. The nurse thought there might be a problem. While I was in the hospital, the person in charge changed depending on the day, and the nurse in charge was completely different depending on the person. There were some nurses who were polite and kind, but there were also nurses who were extremely rough and did whatever they wanted, and couldn't hide their frustration all the time, probably because they were busy. Several times I heard seriously ill elderly patients who were unable to move on their own being abused. I heard people talking in the hallway about how they put the patient's nurse call out of reach because they were tired of being called over and over again (I thought, wouldn't this be a big problem if something happened?) ). Of course, on the contrary, there were many very polite nurses, but I also felt that there were some nurses who seemed to have problems. What I thought was only a problem was the administrative work such as the reception desk. My family called me while I was in the hospital, but if they were at work and couldn't answer the phone, I wouldn't get any more calls. Only once. When my family called, they said, ``The person in charge has already left, so we don't know.'' I said I would call the hospital again, but they never called. When my family had no choice but to take time off from work and come to the hospital, they said, ``If we find out anything else, we'll call you,'' but they never called. I never received a phone call after that. The only way to find out about the surgery schedule and condition is to come directly to the hospital each time. They said that if they asked anything they didn't understand at the reception desk, they were treated in a way that made them feel uncomfortable. My family hardly spoke to the doctor, and the first thing I talked to was the receptionist, who said, ``I hate this hospital.'' Personally, I can only be grateful because the most important treatment was done well. However, there is no doubt that there are people who are not suited for a hospital whose job is to help people, such as receptionists and nurses who may have some problems. But I think that no matter which hospital you go to, if it's a hospital this big, it's a common story. I think it depends on what you look at and how you rate it, but at least the doctor I saw was generally good, so I gave it a 4 star.

  • RobThe Hall

    RobThe Hall


    I went here for my annual health check up. The staff were very welcoming and friendly. They made the whole experience much better than I expected. I highly recommend this hospital as they are amazing at what they do and made me feel comfortable throughout. Even during the blood work, which is what I hate the most, they made it quick and minimally painful. Thank you so much. I will come back again.

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