Akashi Medical Center in Akashi

JapanAkashi Medical Center


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Yagi-743-33 Ōkubochō, Akashi, Hyogo 674-0063, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 78-936-1101
webseite: www.amc1.jp
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Latitude: 34.6746958, Longitude: 134.9376619

kommentare 5

  • タロウケン



    A family member was admitted to the hospital and underwent surgery, but the surgery took a long time and he was discharged in a little over two weeks.I won't give away the details of the surgery, but he lives alone and has no plans after being discharged. I'm only thinking about the rotation rate. There are no medical social workers either. The surgery itself is fine, but I don't think about the prognosis.

  • 松浦善行



    I was rushed to the hospital, but while I was in the hospital I complained of severe constipation, but no treatment was given. I heard later that it seems that they only respond to emergencies. As a result, I was hospitalized for two weeks, and after being discharged with constipation, I collapsed in the hospital and was readmitted. I hope something was done about it! There are only nurses who can't properly administer an intravenous drip. This is a hospital that I no longer want to be associated with.

  • mama momico

    mama momico


    I was scheduled to go to the emergency room, but the nurse declined my appointment without permission. I went to another hospital and was told that I should write a letter of introduction because it would be better to be examined at the medical center.I was also told to call the next day and see the doctor, so when I called to that effect, various problems occurred. When I told him that the hospital had told me that if they couldn't accept me, I should look elsewhere, he said, "Oh, I see. Then please look for another." After saying that, I was silent. I was just saying what the hospital told me to say, but even after being explained in detail, it was just my decision, so it just bothered me. (Even if I explain it, is it true?) I don't understand, so what should I do? Even if you ask me, we are not a pediatrician. That was quite unkind. By the way, when I called the fire department afterwards to say that I was in trouble, they referred me to another hospital, and when I explained the above, they said, ``That's terrible,'' so it wasn't a normal response. Thank you very much. He kindly advised me that I would check with the teacher to see if I could be accepted. I was treated so unkindly by a nurse who was not even a doctor that I thought I would never come here again. In the end, I was able to get my child properly examined at another hospital that wasn't a pediatrics department. Therefore, I do not recommend it.

  • 順子



    I was hospitalized twice. 1 The second time was abdominal surgery. The second time was open surgery. Since college, I have suffered from endometriosis, uterine fibroids, dysmenorrhea, and premenstrual syndrome. The first time, I had a chocolate cyst, and one of my ovaries had twisted and entered my pelvis. The second time was for uterine adenomyosis and uterine fibroids, and the fibroids had swelled and I had surgery. When I was hospitalized for the first time, pregnant women were given priority, and people with uterine diseases like me were put on the back burner, which made me feel lonely. Four years later, people with uterine diseases like me were separated from pregnant women. Well, I thought we were in good hands. In both cases, the ovaries and uterus were over 7 cm in size and they were rushed to the hospital. If the doctor in charge was successful, he would do it right away, but the first time there was no doctor to perform the surgery and I was told I had to wait a month, which was outrageous! My uterus is going to burst! I asked for it and it was done quickly😵💦 I think the first time, I went to a female doctor with little experience in surgery, and she was beautiful and kind, but I didn't feel well after the surgery, and I woke up after the surgery with a terrible headache, and my bed was covered in scars for several days after the surgery. It was full of juice. When I had a headache, I rolled around in bed for a few days, groaning from the pain, when a noble-looking old lady in the same hospital room brought some of her friends over and said, ``Even if you groan, you won't get better.'' Wow, that's so noisy! That girl has a headache and it's noisy. Even though it's not getting better, she's a nuisance," he said in an audible voice. I felt very sad and cried alone, but that early morning the old woman fell on her head. I thought to myself that I had hit a drumstick. After that, the female doctor who examined me seemed a bit unsure and stammered, so I felt like I wasn't completely cured yet. The doctors (female and male) who performed the surgery no longer exist. The second time, he was a wonderful teacher who had a strong attitude and was enthusiastic. He was a very skilled doctor and I felt very well after the surgery. I think it was Dr. Shinsuke Mochizuki. I was transferred to Tamba Medical Center. (I asked an ophthalmologist I know) Immediately after the surgery, I started to have an appetite, and there wasn't enough food to be served, and even though the wound was large because it was an open surgery, there was no juice coming out, so I felt fine right away. became. The male nurses, the female nurses, the doctor who comes in the morning, and the doctor in charge are all kind and gradually make me feel comfortable. You won't want to leave the hospital. I suffer from migraines, so my headaches were so bad that I kept grumbling in the middle of the night, calling the nurse and bothering her. There was no unpleasant response. Overall, I didn't find any doctors or nurses that I didn't like. There were also male nurses. In the group room, students gradually learn about the different families and become friends with each other, realizing that there are many different types of families. There were very few mean patients (like that old lady), but we all became good friends and it was fun. It's so comfortable that I wish I could stay here for a month. I asked him to let me stay a little longer, but You will be kicked out in two weeks. Too bad( ´△`) As for the consultation time, it is better to go to the hospital when you have plenty of free time in the day, as the waiting time is long and tiring. I feel tired going to the hospital. I'm tired. Everything from reception to going to the pharmacy to pick up the medicine. It will ruin your day. When I was in the hospital, after my second surgery, I was feeling well and only went shopping to the convenience store downstairs. Hospitalization is easy. Even now, I sometimes think about wanting to be hospitalized. I think it's a good hospital in Akashi city. ★August 2023 It's been a while since I've been here. I had pain in my uterus, so I asked my local obstetrician and gynecologist to write me a referral letter. I'll have an MRI just in case. The teachers and staff had changed, but they were all kind. However, he is a slightly younger doctor, and I feel that he is less reliable than before. Please stop saying things like, ``Hmm...''. I get worried. 💦 Is it because I've gotten older and become stricter? ? As always, the day will be ruined. The parking lot is far away. I would like to be able to leave the hospital immediately after the examination. I took a detour and went around in the rain. It was a typhoon day, so it was difficult.

  • Kathleen Mae Ariate

    Kathleen Mae Ariate


    I had a great experience when I was admitted in this hospital. The nurses, doctors and other staffs are very nice and friendly. As a foreigner, I was fairly treated. My OB doctor was very calm and accommodating. The process was very organized for in patient and out patient. The only drawback for foreigners is that they do not speak in English. I only encounter one staff that speak and understand English. The facilities were very high end as expected for a Japanese Hospital.

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