Kobe Portopia Hotel w Kobe

JaponiaKobe Portopia Hotel



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
6-chōme-10-1 Minatojima Nakamachi, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0046, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 78-302-1111
strona internetowej: www.portopia.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6652515, Longitude: 135.213701

komentarze 5

  • Frederik Cornett

    Frederik Cornett


    Rooms were fine, a little bit packed and not so much space, but clean and nice. Service was okay - everything costs money, even going to the pool (I am not sure if that is just a Japanese thing, I could be wrong) - location was not optimal if you want to go to the city you have to take a train that only operates until 00 ish.

  • Jade Vu

    Jade Vu


    Because we stayed in a very good place in Kyoto, I feel it's not fair to give this place 5 star. The place is old. Not in the pictures but old when you are there. The main lobby is gorgeous. But the hall up to the rooms smells like years of dusts. The room is spacious, American standard not typical Japanese size. But it's old and cheap, feels like a side road hotel in the States. Service is good. Breakfast also good. It seems to target Chinese tourists.

  • Martijn Zwama

    Martijn Zwama


    Very friendly staff, great remodeled and very spacious room. Next to the station and conference center. Truly enjoyed our stay. (The room was a little bright at night and we didn’t know there were extra pillows in the closet, which we needed because the provided pillows were very thin). Overall great stay, looking forward to coming again.

  • Niru Ranasinghe

    Niru Ranasinghe


    We had quite a nice stay here!! 😊 Esp. the room was spacious compared to the normal room size in Japan, & the checking out time is 12:00. So we could have much needed rest & sleep as we were a bit exhausted walking around the tourist spots! Also, they have a shuttle bus to Sannomiya station (from there to hotel too that we didn’t aware of) 🙌🏼 It was a bit expensive since we stayed on the weekend. There are 3 restaurants but they are opened until 10-11pm. However, there’s a family mart in the hotel premises which is open until 1 am. overall a pleasant stay 💛

  • Doreen Lee

    Doreen Lee


    I can see the sunrise from my room. The view is spectacular. The hotel has a small shopping area and restaurants . Room was spacious with a nice bathroom. The Caucasian staff was very helpful. Not only did she assisted me in bringing up my luggage, she shared with me the various restaurants offered in the hotel and showed me the room service option. Hotel is near the train station( sheltered pathway) and it’s only a few stops from the main shopping area. Peaceful place to come back to after a day’s out. The only drawback was that usage of gym and pool were chargeable, to my surprise.

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