Kobe Luminous Hotel in Kobe

JapanKobe Luminous Hotel


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6-chōme-2-11 Tsukamotodōri, Hyogo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 652-0804, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 78-511-7700
webseite: www.luminous-hotel.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.6698314, Longitude: 135.1633125

kommentare 5

  • アシュトーシュ



    Fantastic hotel 💯 Room was good. Everything was offered in the room. Good experience overall✅

  • Maistor - BG

    Maistor - BG


    Small rooms and high prices. The TV menu is only in Japanese, and if you don't know - the TV is mindless. The rooms are extremely small, and if you put a suitcase in the corridor you can't go to the bathroom. The internet is terrible and cuts out all the time. Accept that they don't have internet and if you want to get any work done you will need to have mobile internet. The furniture in the rooms is very old. If it is only to come and sleep - it is possible, but for something more - impossible. Better choose another real hotel.

  • 二スヤ



    hardware-wise, it’s old. the elevators, the bathroom.. but it has got all we need. The TV was really good, and the room was spacious for Japanese business hotel rooms. the breakfast was so-so, strong on Japanese menus rather than western menus. It was good for the price.

  • sam ajam

    sam ajam


    Good location. But the front not that cooperative because they blindly follow old fashion rules which makes the check in process very slow. Rooms are small but not bad for the price. Location is good near to Hyogo station and nearby have many shops and restaurants.1 station ride to harbour land and 2 station ride to sannomiya

  • Con F

    Con F


    Paid $30 from Agoda for a small room by myself. It was comfortable and just what I needed. 2 blocks from JR line. Everything was clean except I found hairs in the tub, which was unfortunate. Good value for one night stay.

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