Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital w Kobe

JaponiaKobe City Medical Center General Hospital



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Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
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Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Japan, 〒650-0047 Hyogo, Kobe, Chuo Ward, Minatojima Minamimachi, 2-chōme−1−1
kontakt telefon: +81 78-302-4321
strona internetowej: chuo.kcho.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6600502, Longitude: 135.2141912

komentarze 5

  • A. G.

    A. G.


    I was admitted last year trice and this year twice . There are more good services… For example , In the Admission section for Inpatients and those who work inside the office they are very accommodating. My Primary Doctor a Neurosurgeon and his Co-neurologist are the best ! Off course nobody is perfect .., there are few nurses and some staffs with attitudes but there are lots of nurses who are kind and very accommodating too , especially those who work in the operating rooms , in the ICU and HCU area .

  • Eden Woolley

    Eden Woolley


    my friend kobe died here, helicopter crash. would not recommend as they didnt even try to save his lifeless beheaded corpse. he was gonna go to the nba.

  • Steven



    I cannot speak about all the departments at this hospital but I can definitely say that the maternity ward and the doctors/staff there were amazing! Super responsive, super attentive, always around to help or answer any questions and take their time to explain everything. If you are expecting a baby and doing research on a hospital where to give birth, I would say look no more, this place is legit.

  • Emmanuel BREFFEIL

    Emmanuel BREFFEIL


    very sophisticate hospital but very bad diagnostics. I came for problem on my throat and i saw two doctors and pay for translator . result nothing! They spent time to told me nothing and no medecine and ask me to go back to my country France to do deep examens! i spend more than 120 euros, half day. I left hospital with my pain, stress and worries, without any recommendation. this is not serious hospital, kindness and sweet face but no professional skill and no ethic and no responsability (cf hypocrate serment).

  • Jo San

    Jo San


    Its a big, modern and well organised hospital. The waiting time can be very long as any other big hospital in Japan. Also go here only with a reference letter from a clinic , else you might end up paying 5000 yen as a first time consultation charge!

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