Kiyonoya en Ukiha




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1099-3 Ukihamachi Furukawa, Ukiha, Fukuoka 839-1405, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 943-77-2188
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.3592556, Longitude: 130.8074333

comentarios 5

  • マンションマン



    A hot spring accommodation facility located in Ukiha City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Overlooking the Chikugo River, the hot springs, known as hot springs for beautiful skin, are rich in sodium ions and hydrogen carbonate ions, giving your skin a slippery feel. It is especially popular among women, as it leaves your skin smooth and smooth after taking a bath. It is also said to be effective against neuralgia and muscle pain. Not only can you stay overnight, but you can also take a day trip to the baths. [Large public bath] 600 yen for adults, 300 yen for children [Family bath] 2,500 yen for 50 minutes [Rooftop family bath] 50 minutes 4,000 yen

  • ふぁーびー愛車撮影&旅グルメ



    The food was delicious and the accommodation was clean and nice. There are three types of private hot springs, and I used the cheapest one, but it was spacious enough and I was very satisfied. It was a hot spring-like hot spring with a pleasant sulfur scent. I had come by car from Chiba, so I had to use the navigation system in the car for a while on the way back, but the three of them were there to see me off until the train departed, and I was impressed by their courteous customer service.

  • Benjamin Yau

    Benjamin Yau


    Good location, and great CP value. If you look for an affordable accomodation with onsen and tatami, this is the place.

  • Jerry Ellington

    Jerry Ellington


    Relaxing, good food, good service

  • S




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