キッチンNAKA en Toyohashi




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒440-0853 Aichi, Toyohashi, Satō, 4-chōme−28−3
contactos teléfono: +81 532-62-9282
sitio web: kitchen-naka.ciao.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.739228, Longitude: 137.4082218

comentarios 5

  • まり



    A wide variety of appetizers and soups that you will never get tired of no matter how many times you go. Always a delicious main dish. I'm especially excited about fish. I want to take the bread home with me. It's delicious hot or cold. I love the salad dressing, which has a refreshing taste that is unique to this restaurant.

  • tana rie

    tana rie


    As of December 2023 Lunch is 1650 yen including tax *Appetizer *soup *salad *Bread or rice *Main (fish or meat) Dessert & drink for +418 yen It's a great value with all this included! That's a high point, but the ingredients are good and the taste is very delicious. It was a restaurant that I would like to visit again.

  • ちろる庵(ちろる庵)



    514 Today, I went to a girls' party for lunch. To kitchen NAKA after a long time I wonder if lunch was such a good deal 🉐 Surprised!! ️ We also added dessert to our fish lunch. Lunch for 1650 yen 2 types of fish meuniere 2 pieces of freshly baked bread I was surprised at how delicious and affordable the appetizer, soup, and salad 🥗 was. Dessert was also delicious. It's close to Saiwai Park and the view is great 😀 The inside of the store was also cute with Christmas decorations. I didn't go there because it was too close, but I'll definitely come back again🆗 The clerk was also polite and cute.

  • ぱる



    Wonderful lunch for ¥1,595! You can choose fish or meat for your main course, and it comes with an appetizer, soup, salad, and bread. And drinks and dessert for +¥460. Lunch in Toyohashi is really high quality. This taste and course at this price. Is the bread homemade too? It has a lot of water content and is a little sweet, so you'll want to add another refill for an additional ¥120. Today's fish is black sea bream and flathead with basil cream sauce, and the salty taste of the black sea bream is just right. All of the dishes are carefully prepared and have a gentle flavor so that you can fully enjoy the flavor of the ingredients. There seemed to be only one woman in the hall, but she was always smiling and modest, but the service was solid, and the food, drinks, and water service was also very good. No complaints about cost performance or taste ✨ However, the quality of the shops in Toyohashi is very high, so they are spread out, so the inside of the shop is not crowded and time flows slowly. I had checked the exterior with photos beforehand, but I thought the store name on the pillar outside looked a little off, and I was imagining it to be a little dated, but that's not the case at all, and the store is very nice. The wood and white walls give it a warm and cozy feel. The parking lot was a little difficult to get in and out of due to the height difference with the road, but it was a nice shop that I was very satisfied with ^^

  • Y K

    Y K


    I used it for dinner with a friend at the end of the year. Select dinner course 2,750 yen (tax included) ✖️2 people I was really surprised at how good the cost performance was! There is a wide variety of items and the portions are plentiful. And it was very delicious♪ Also, the inside of the store is a stylish yet relaxing space. Also, the warm response from the female staff made me feel even more comfortable!

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