Kitamura i Kumamoto




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3-chōme-20-56 Kaminabe, Higashi Ward, Kumamoto, 861-8010, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 96-388-5000
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.8372422, Longitude: 130.7731787

kommentar 5

  • urusei oishinbo

    urusei oishinbo


    The inside of the store is cute and there are terrace seats. The attention to detail is not only pleasing to the eye, but the food is also delicious. The apple pie was freshly baked and smelled like was crispy and had lots of apples in it, so it was delicious😋I'll be going again. Signature menu apple gratin! It was exquisite! I can't wait for the food to come out! It is written in the store that it takes time to make because it is handmade! If you don't have time, it's better not to visit the store.

  • Y A

    Y A


    It's a hideaway cafe, it's cozy, and the staff are nice, so I want to go again. The food was well prepared and delicious♪

  • イエローマイ(amiami55dayo)



    This is a small cafe located in a residential area. As everyone has said, it takes time to deliver. But I'm here to have a leisurely chat with my friends, so that doesn't bother me. If you are in a hurry, this is not for you. The food is carefully prepared and is delicious. Fashionable. I think the price is a little high. The reason I set my budget at 2,000 yen or more is because I ended up ordering dessert as well. It looks delicious so I end up ordering it. Most meals alone cost around 1,000 yen. It's comfortable, so I think I'll use it again.

  • うさぎ



    It's a relaxing space with picture books available. The kids were able to spend the waiting time without getting bored! The food was so delicious that even the kids couldn't stop eating. Apple gratin looks cute and is very delicious!

  • tacco



    The taste, atmosphere, and comfort are good. However, the customer service, service, and cost performance are poor. The amount of rice is also quite small. This store has a kids' room on the second floor, which I have used many times in the past. If you use it during lunch time, you can get 2 hours free of charge in your room. However, it takes nearly an hour to prepare the food. When the food arrived and I tried to order dessert, I was told, ``Dessert also takes time, and if the customer wants to extend their room stay, we can provide it.'' To begin with, even the first dish took nearly an hour to come out. lol If you are going to eat lunch and dessert at this restaurant, I wish you would have told me in advance if you would have to order them together or you would have to extend the time. I felt bad because he looked down on me and spoke bluntly. Poor customer service at checkout, It was my favorite shop I won't go again. By the way, you need to make a reservation for the room on the second floor by paying 3000 yen in advance. (You can get a service ticket worth 3000 yen)

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