珈蔵 熊本小山店 i Kumamoto

Japan珈蔵 熊本小山店



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6-chōme-22-17 Oyama, Higashi Ward, Kumamoto, 861-8045, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 96-388-3789
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.834476, Longitude: 130.800578

kommentar 5

  • ORCA



    When I went during lunch time, there was a bit of a wait, but it wasn't that long. The hot sandwich set on the lunch menu was reasonably priced and had a satisfying taste ^_^ It's a coffee specialty store, so whether it's cafe au lait or coffee, it's fragrant and delicious ☕️ Is it okay if I don't look fashionable? I thought so, but it's totally okay to enter the store in casual clothes🤭 You can enjoy delicious coffee while relaxing and chatting! There is a courtyard, and the sparrows come to play there! It's so cute that you can't help but fall in love with it ^_^

  • G SYC

    G SYC


    This is what tourists say. I came to Kumamoto on this self-driving trip and chose this restaurant. The environment here is very suitable for checking in, and the whole atmosphere is very comfortable. Special praise needs to be given to the sandwiches here, I personally think they are very delicious. I ordered Gongda Coffee, which is a sweet coffee with a sweet aftertaste. If you don’t like drinking black coffee, you can add milk, it tastes great too👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 In addition, the maple French toast with ice cream also tastes good, with a soft and cooked taste. Finally, I ordered the chestnut waffles, which tasted great. People who like to eat chestnuts may want to give it a try.

  • ケイまま



    It was my first time visiting a specialty cafe, with a beautiful courtyard and shiny windows, and there wasn't even a single stain of water stains. I like the calm atmosphere of the shop. I had a cafe lunch and the recommended Colombian nariño. The sandwich was perfectly baked, and the coffee was very fragrant and delicious without any unpleasant tastes. I was very satisfied ☕️ As you would expect from a coffee specialty store, there is a wide variety of products, and I was happy to see a real roaster and raw coffee beans♪ I will add this store to my list of places I want to visit again.

  • Terry Lee

    Terry Lee


    Great place and foods , definitely I would come again

  • T. Nagamine

    T. Nagamine


    Beautiful Japanese style cafe where you can relax and enjoy coffees and light meals. Plus, regular meals including high quality course meals are also available.

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