Kitahiroshima Ekimae Dental Clinic i 北広島市

JapanKitahiroshima Ekimae Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒061-1133 北海道北広島市栄町1丁目2
kontakter telefon: +81 11-372-8020
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.9779049, Longitude: 141.5622771

kommentar 5

  • ヴェロッサ



    He's the worst dentist. I went there for my child's treatment. In the end, I couldn't treat the child because the child was crying, but when the child was crying, I was told in an irritated tone that I couldn't treat her like this, so I immediately took off the rubber gloves on my hands and sat next to the treatment table. I threw it pretty forcefully into the trash can I had, and now it's gone. I am sure that I caused you a lot of trouble by causing your child to cry. However, I think it's a matter of parental compassion to be treated like that, but I feel like it's not a good way to treat a patient. I don't think all the doctors working here are like that, but the male doctor with the permed hairstyle was truly unbelievable. The dental assistant kindly calmed the child down, but I think the child would be traumatized by the dentist if a parent spoke to them in such a tone in front of the child. Sorry, I will never go here again.

  • love mihi (mihilove)

    love mihi (mihilove)


    I called on Sunday to see the doctor as an emergency, but was told it would be over a week away. I thought it couldn't be helped, so I asked where the dentist was on duty on holidays. I don't know from the person who responded... After that, I contacted another dentist, and although they couldn't give me a consultation, they pointed me to a clinic that was on duty on holidays. I would like a medical institution to understand this and provide guidance. I think that if you receive such kind support at times like this, you will want to come here next time. I thought that the reviews showed that they were taking appropriate action because it had nothing to do with their own hospital.

  • ひーたん



    I've been using it all the time because it's open on Saturdays and Sundays, but I was curious about where it had already been treated, so I told them about it, but they removed a completely different part of me, and I was told that this was happening because I was grinding my teeth. I was insulted and told that I should wear a mouthpiece. After that, I told them that the tooth was not there, and they finally noticed, but there was no apology, and the tooth was passed on for the next time. I went there because I was concerned about that tooth, but the wrong tooth was cut down, more than 2,000 yen was taken, and the next time... I wasted my time and money. A young dentist was in charge this time, but he doesn't treat patients with care, so I won't be going back after this treatment is over. Ceramic teeth can be removed quickly, and I am always impressed by the technique and customer service. The good thing about it is that it's open on Saturdays and Sundays as well...

  • 眼力つよし



    I had it cleaned the other day. He was very thorough and made sure nothing was left behind and thoroughly cleaned any areas of concern. However, even though there was no one in the waiting room, the receptionist seemed busy and pretended not to notice me standing in front of the reception desk. About 10 minutes later, I called out to her. Also, with the number of coronavirus infections rapidly increasing, body temperature was not checked. Disinfectant was available.

  • 江釣子省治



    I am always treated with kindness and care! The staff's response is also wonderful. What surprised me most during the treatment was that it didn't hurt at all when the anesthesia was applied! ! I would like to continue to visit regularly.

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