Atsubetsu West Dental Clinic i Sapporo

JapanAtsubetsu West Dental Clinic



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4-chōme-3-15 Atsubetsu Nishi 2 Jō, Atsubetsu Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 004-0062, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-896-6480
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.049959, Longitude: 141.467425

kommentar 5

  • Hiiro



    I have been taking care of my teeth maintenance and making dental crowns for two years. I am planning to continue going to see him again in the future as he always treats me with great care. Recommended if you are unsure!

  • C T

    C T


    I go there for regular checkups, and it's open on Saturdays and Sundays, so it's easy to get to. The dental hygienist and reception staff are polite and reassuring. They will teach you how to brush your teeth.

  • 椎間板ヘルニア



    I was happy to hear that he would be able to see me even though it was a Sunday, but when I called to make an appointment, I thought he was going to take an X-ray, give me antibiotics, and say, ``Go to a dentist in your neighborhood,'' right? I looked for a place that was open on Sundays and chose this one with good reviews, but I didn't do anything so I didn't know how good it was. Is it okay to be kind and polite? They gain word of mouth about mild cases and send risky patients to other hospitals. This is a dentist, but other surgeons and internal medicine doctors do not and cannot do this. I'm not complaining that the first treatment was simple, but I wish they'd at least confirmed whether I was willing to come next time. I regret taking the 2 hour round trip to go there. As I was told, I'm going to look for a dentist in my neighborhood that will treat even risky patients.

  • 谷岡由香



    I decided to go to the dentist for the first time in several years and chose West Dental Clinic. I went to see the doctor feeling anxious, but thanks to the detailed counseling and treatment provided by the doctor, dental assistant, and coordinator, my anxiety was alleviated and my teeth improved. thank you. From now on, I would like to improve the oral environment without cutting corners.

  • レンタリオス



    I go for check-ups and cleanings every three months. What sets us apart from other dental clinics is the thorough explanations (and responses) provided by the hygienists and other staff. After the procedure, I went to see the doctor and was asked, ``Do you have any concerns or questions?'' (also politely), but the staff explained everything to me beforehand. always becomes Don't immediately recommend self-pay treatment, and be sure to do regular maintenance and avoid unnecessary treatments! I feel that way and can recommend it.

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