Kisoji Tokugawa i Nagoya

JapanKisoji Tokugawa



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2-chōme-16-10 Tokugawa, Higashi Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 461-0025, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 52-935-2448
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Latitude: 35.1870021, Longitude: 136.9275965

kommentar 5

  • 京ちゃんばば



    I visited with my family on New Year's Day. I had the blowfish and shabu shabu and it was very delicious. The children's menu was also good, and my grandchildren enjoyed it. Even though the place was packed, the waitresses were able to move around efficiently, and I was glad that they were attentive to the customers, such as when going to the restroom. I still want to use it.

  • 今井花絵



    I received a birthday postcard and made a reservation. The room was private, and I was able to store my jacket and luggage in the closet, so I was able to spend a relaxing time. In the course, the appetizers, crab, meat, and other dishes come out in order, and when the shabu-shabu meat arrives, the staff takes a photo of the reservation bonus, and when I leave, I hand-write it. He gave it to me with a photo attached to a birthday card with a message. The shabu-shabu meat was large and magnificent, and was very delicious with either sesame sauce or ponzu sauce. What was surprising was that there is chili oil that can be eaten, and even if you eat it with meat or a little bit on rice, it has a slightly sweet taste despite the spiciness! The staff told me that it would be delicious to try adding chili oil to the Chinese noodles at the end of shabu-shabu, so I decided to give it a try! It was very delicious. The clerk's attention to temperature control in the room and service were wonderful and made me feel comfortable from start to finish. Last year, I celebrated my birthday here, and the photos I took were displayed in my living room. The cute whole cake had fruit on it and was delicious. I was able to have the best birthday celebration, with both my stomach and my heart satisfied. Thank you very much for your consideration.

  • Ann Suttiprasit

    Ann Suttiprasit


    Good foods and nice staffs for group lunch.

  • B&S



    Thank you for helping me celebrate my first birthday. It's a restaurant with good customer service, but we made reservations a little after 1:00 pm, so we moved the time when it was likely to be crowded. For weekday lunch private rooms, you can choose from a menu that costs over 2,200 yen for adults, so choose at the restaurant on the day. It's been a long time since I had a relaxing meal, and it was very delicious. I was glad that I chose Kisoji because the staff guided me through the process smoothly and gave thorough explanations. We had an unforgettable time with a one-sho mochi cake with names, a selection of rice cakes, a celebratory meal, and a photo shoot. Thank you.

  • コースケ“釣楽しい!”チャンネル



    On the 13th anniversary of my mother's death, I had dinner with my sister and her husband for the first time in a while. always near the temple Shabu-shabu/Japanese cuisine Kisoji Tokugawa branch Since it was a memorial service, I asked for kaiseki instead of shabu-shabu. The appetizer is cool with edamame tofu and abalone. Appetizers include meat sushi and a few pickled items. Wonderful arrangement of sashimi and matsutake mushrooms steamed in a clay pot The tempura was light and served with conger eel and summer vegetables. Wagyu beef jibuni and eggplant boiled are delicious! Chawanmushi is made with conger eel. It's delicious. This is amazingly delicious meat grilled with stick leaves and miso. More snow crabs have arrived Meals include conger eel, salmon roe, crab sushi and red soup stock Finish off with refreshing water sweets I think your brothers were satisfied too. It is Kisoji after all.

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