Kirara Dental Clinic i Uki

JapanKirara Dental Clinic


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1-chōme-10-7 Matsubasemachi, Uki, Kumamoto 869-0503, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 964-31-0099
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Latitude: 32.6461426, Longitude: 130.6771095

kommentar 5

  • napoxkeifreewill1104



    The receptionist is administrative, but the teachers and staff are kind and gentle. My child was able to attend the examination with peace of mind as they kindly told me things like ``Thank you for your hard work'' and ``It's great that you were able to stay still.''

  • MASA



    Everyone at this dentist is very kind, and even as a parent, I feel at ease when visiting this dentist every time. The male teacher always explains everything carefully, and if the child is worried, he says, ``It's okay.'' I am very grateful to all the dental assistants for accommodating my child and asking things like ``Are you okay?'' and ``You did a great job.'' I would like to continue using this hospital in the future.

  • チワワママ



    Being a dentist is difficult. Even if other people's reviews are good, it may not be suitable for you. I started using this dentist because I heard that it doesn't cause any pain. The doctor definitely makes sure it doesn't hurt, and the nurses are all kind and helpful. Maybe the technician is just bad? No matter how many times I adjusted it, it still didn't fit. Am I the only one who thinks it would be completely different if I changed the technician?

  • まみ



    I had a sudden pain in my tooth and I called to ask if I could see a doctor, even if it was a bit of a pain. They suggested a waiting list for cancellations. As a result, I was able to see the doctor the next day, which I was really grateful for. I called several places, but they said they were fully booked, so I thought it was God.

  • 竹中晃子



    I had a terrible experience at the dentist I was taken to when I was young, and that traumatized me, so I didn't go to the dentist for 16 years, but when my wisdom tooth started hurting eight years ago, I decided to go. Now it looks like this. Of course, I didn't want to go to an unreasonable place, so I researched reviews and decided on this one. The doctor was very kind and I didn't experience any pain or swelling after the tooth extraction, and they even had my sideways wisdom teeth removed. Afterwards, you will also have regular medical checkups. Even someone like me who hates dentists can go there. it's recommended.

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