Honey Dental Clinic i Uki

JapanHoney Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒869-0606 Kumamoto, Uki, 小川町河江Gōnoe−7−1
kontakter telefon: +81 964-43-2020
internet side: honey-dc.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.593769, Longitude: 130.707789

kommentar 5

  • mal chi

    mal chi


    I went to the doctor because I felt uncomfortable. Thank you for your easy-to-understand explanations and courteous response, and I would like to ask you again. thank you very much.

  • あやか



    I have taken care of children before. I had laser treatment. The doctors and staff were kind and even my frightened son was able to receive treatment with peace of mind. I would like to ask you again.

  • mii n

    mii n


    The teachers and staff are also kind and polite. The treatment does not involve cutting down the teeth as much as possible, and we also use lasers that other dentists do not have, so the treatment was painless.

  • s s

    s s


    I'm a man in my 20s. I came to the hospital hoping to have whitening done. First, I had the condition of my teeth checked, but there were cavities and tartar, so I decided to have them treated. What state is it in now? What will happen if I leave it alone? I was given a thorough explanation and asked for treatment. Every time I come to the clinic, I feel like I'm getting better and I'm so happy! After everything was finished, I had my teeth whitened, and I'm so happy with my beautiful white teeth! I try to keep my oral environment clean by brushing my teeth with poic water at home. Everyone from the receptionist to the dental hygienist to the doctor is courteous and attentive, making you feel at ease. If you live in Uki City and are concerned about tartar removal, cavities, whitening, etc., we highly recommend this service! !

  • 15 batty

    15 batty


    Your treatment will be thorough and tailored to your wishes. However, I don't really feel like I'm being treated like a customer, so likes and dislikes may vary from person to person. Before the treatment, you gargle with a liquid called Poic Water and then brush your teeth before the treatment, so it's convenient because you don't have to brush your teeth before going. There are no instructions on whether you can close your mouth during treatment, so sometimes I get tired because I don't know when to do it. Plasma lasers are also available, but they are not actively recommended, so if you wish to use one, you must self-report. It costs about 15,000 yen. The atmosphere is homey, and the teachers and other staff are all kind. I will continue to ask for your help in the future.

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