Kinugawa Grand Hotel Yumenotoki in Nikko

JapanKinugawa Grand Hotel Yumenotoki


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1021 Kinugawaonsen Ōhara, Nikko, Tochigi 321-2522, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 288-77-1313
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.8249053, Longitude: 139.7208557

kommentare 5

  • Sailesh Acharya

    Sailesh Acharya


    That's great! wonderful place . They have an excellent outdoor bath and provide top-notch service. Enjoy your dinner and have a fantastic time!

  • Brian Haverty

    Brian Haverty


    We had a fabulous stay at the Kinugawa Grand--it's the perfect blend of traditional design and modern conveniences. The staff were so friendly and helpful and, despite the size of this hotel, we always felt like we were special. The food was just incredible--quite an experience. We will definitely be back!

  • David F

    David F


    We were traveling with our infant for the first time, and the staff here was always very accommodating and helpful so that we could have a pampered, luxurious experience. The facility is beautiful, relaxing, and has delicious food. Highly recommended 👍

  • Kay Marn

    Kay Marn


    This is one of my favorite Ryokans of all!!! All the staffs are very helpful and have great service mind. Onsen room are great; clean, spacious with indoor and outdoor pool. The food are fantastic; delicate, delicious, fresh with the right amount. Good with people who drive but still ok to walk to the main street.

  • Fiona Kwok

    Fiona Kwok


    Nice hotel; a few staff speaking mandarin; light luggage recommended if taking JR to kinugawa as the walking path to hotel involves a staircase (about 10-15 steps); shuttle service to JR station available (booking in advance)

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