Kikushima Dental Clinic in Takamatsu

JapanKikushima Dental Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

383-1 Shussakuchō, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-8077, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 87-889-1182
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.284924, Longitude: 134.0482056

kommentare 5

  • rina sabu

    rina sabu


    Dr. Kikushima and the staff are kind and polite. From that point on, you can go with peace of mind. However, as others have said, treatment is rarely available on time and you often have to wait for 30 minutes, and even though the treatment is not really urgent, they ask you to come every day to make an appointment. Since I'm an amateur, I think I'll be able to understand if you could explain to me why treatments are needed so frequently.

  • そらさん



    The teachers are very kind, so you can come here with your family with peace of mind. This is my child's favorite dentist, as you can even get a cute eraser on the way home. The parking lot is a little narrow, so it may be difficult to park if you have a large car.

  • 美田中



    My child suddenly complained that his tooth hurt, and even though it was almost the end of the clinic hours, he admitted me right away even though it was my first visit, and the doctor and dental hygienist treated him very carefully! ! The response and treatment was really kind and I was happy ❤️

  • さつきおいかわ



    Both the director and the dental hygienist are very polite and make you feel at ease. He carefully removed the dirt, so my teeth were smooth and clean! I’m looking forward to going next⑅◡̈*

  • ゆつ



    This was my first visit for dental treatment. There was a bit of a wait time, but the teacher was very nice and gave explanations that were easy to understand. It seems that there is also a pediatric dentist, so I thought I would like to send my child there as well.

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