Egao Dental Clinic in Takamatsu

JapanEgao Dental Clinic



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2572-12 Hayashichō, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-0301, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 87-840-0777
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.302014, Longitude: 134.070643

kommentare 5

  • all fishing

    all fishing


    My tooth suddenly chipped and I went to see a doctor in a hurry, but he took care of me right away and was very helpful.

  • jun kogasaka

    jun kogasaka


    There were times when my tooth suddenly started hurting, and I received various consultations and treatments. He taught me a lot of things, including treatments that don't require silver teeth. The teacher's skills were also good. thank you very much.

  • 山下敏博



    I'm looking for a dental clinic that suits me. Prices and frequency vary depending on where you go to the dentist, and at my previous dental clinic it took six months to heal two cavities! I think this is a good idea as it fixed one cavity in two treatments.

  • Yuu Matsu

    Yuu Matsu


    I went for treatment, but everything from the reception desk was horrible. Not only could they not handle the reception properly, but they didn't do anything to respond to the patient's requests. When I told them that I was in pain due to the bottle being too close, everyone... I was told to be patient because I was satisfied. Really annoying. I want to ask for compensation, and I want to sue. I've been in so much pain, I'm so exhausted that I want him to die.

  • ryo kumakun

    ryo kumakun


    To be honest, I'm worried about unclear accounting. Only the receipt will be given.

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