Kihachi Cafe Fukuya Hacchōbori Honten w Hiroshima

JaponiaKihachi Cafe Fukuya Hacchōbori Honten



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Japan, 〒730-0021 Hiroshima, Naka Ward, Ebisuchō, 6−26 福屋八丁堀本店 2階
kontakt telefon: +81 82-246-6677
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Latitude: 34.3938016, Longitude: 132.462454

komentarze 5

  • 明日野圭三



    This is a cafe inside a department store. I stopped by for lunch. The food menu is also extensive. The prices are a bit high, but I was satisfied with the care they put into making the meal delicious. When I entered the store, the back was bigger than I expected. The interior decoration and lighting give off a luxurious feel and create a calm atmosphere, making it reasonably comfortable. Since it is a famous store, the staff was very responsive. We went together and ordered lunch first. "Original Hamburger Café de Paris Butter Sauce" (1,980 yen) was my first taste of sauce, and it was very delicious. It was just the right amount of spicy and went well with the juicy hamburger steak. The ``Shrimp, Avocado, Tomato, and Arugula Sandwich with French Fries (Half)'' (1,650 yen) is a hearty sandwich with lots of ingredients, but it's also exquisite. As expected, it didn't lose its shape and was easy to eat. The fries were also fluffy and impressive. After the meal, it's dessert time. "Kihachi Trifle Roll" (990 yen) + "Tea" (550 yen) and "Basque Cheesecake" (990 yen) + "Coffee" (550 yen) have been added. The drinks that can be set with the cake cannot be selected from the variations on the drink menu, and only regular coffee and tea seem to be available. The roll cake contained more fruit than the photo and I was very satisfied. The tea came in a pot and was enough for 2 cups. The Basque cheesecake was bigger than I expected and was a little different from the image. It was well-baked overall, with no baked-on texture on the surface or rare texture on the inside, but I realized that there are many different types of Basque cakes. I had a great time, but there was one thing that bothered me. Due to the design of the desk, I had trouble finding a place to put my feet. The desk itself was not wide, at about 50 cm, and its four legs were curved inward. A woman would probably sit by putting her feet between the legs of the desk, but when I try to do that, it's quite painful and my knees end up shaking the desk. In the end, I had to sit with my knees apart on the outside of the desk legs, which felt a little strange. I can't deny that I felt a little cramped in the corner of the department store, but overall I had a satisfying time. I want to come again.

  • 香都羅



    It's located at the back of the second floor of the department store. Creating an atmosphere where you can spend a relaxing time, attentive and smart service, and delicious food. Until I entered the store, I was hesitant to enter the store unless it was a special occasion because of the price, but I was satisfied with the fact that there were always customers waiting outside. I had a memorable holiday in Hiroshima with my family. I felt sorry for the staff for their wonderful hospitality as there was no tip or service charge. I left saying I would definitely come back to try other menu items.

  • white snow

    white snow


    As the holidays were ending, I visited the store as soon as it opened as it was a popular store. Tuna and avocado salad Half of rice and avocado, tomato, and arugula sandwich, served with salad. Each with a drink set. The temperature of the salad rice and the balance of sourness and sweetness are exquisite. The sandwich is made with special fried shrimp that is crispy, not greasy, and has a delicate seasoning. I accidentally spilled some soup, but they noticed it right away and took care of it. As expected, all the staff members were very friendly and I had a pleasant time.

  • 本間朗



    It was delicious. The service and attention goes beyond the hotel. We ate flat shellfish pasta, fried shrimp sandwiches, trifle rolls, and a Basque cheesecake set. What surprised me was that it came with fries, so I asked for ketchup and what a fancy dish it was. The trifle roll is truly exquisite and the cream and sponge are surprising. Please go with your loved ones, you will be sure to be happy.

  • まみまみ



    I didn't have high expectations when I went in, but when I tried the fruit roll cake, I was shocked to find it was so delicious! ️ Seriously, it was the first time in my life that the delicious sweets shop I wanted to go to for dinner was closed, so I came here. Even though I'm full, I can't help but order one more flat platter. Too bad I don't have anything to take home... It seems to be a very popular restaurant, and I've visited several times since then because I wanted to try the fruit roll cake, but each time I had to wait about 20 minutes to get in (^_^;) It's in the clothing section of a department store... Well, maybe it's because I went there for a snack, but there were quite a few people eating alone.

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