Caffe Peaberry w Hiroshima

JaponiaCaffe Peaberry



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-1 Takaramachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0044, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 82-236-7208
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.3861127, Longitude: 132.4642504

komentarze 5

  • V Yoshikei

    V Yoshikei


    I like the morning hot sandwiches at this store 🍞☕️ (*^^*) No refills of coffee (^_^;) Too bad

  • たかなお



    I'll disturb you at LUNCH. However, morning seems to be popular. The inside of the store is large and seems to have ample capacity, but there are a lot of elderly customers, so there may be some waiting time.

  • ちゃちゃまる



    It was my first time visiting, and the breakfast was delicious! Since it was a Sunday, the place was full by 10am, and there were about 10 people waiting. Fill your stomach at an affordable price! The coffee was delicious too, so I would like to go there again.

  • あろ



    For just 500 yen from 9:00 a.m., there's so much to choose from. They will refill your coffee. The egg sandwich is fluffy and delicious, and the quantity is just right. For children, you can switch to juice or yogurt at no additional charge. Breakfast is recommended. Lunch is also reasonably priced and the pasta and salads are quite delicious. The cake is about 300 yen, so it's not expensive, and the raw chocolate is 90 yen, and there are two of them, and my kids love it. It's not too expensive and you can enjoy a lot of things. The dolce set for lunch is also very good, and the pasta is all delicious, and I like the way it's seasoned. Cospa pretty good!

  • 咲き



    I've eaten breakfast at various restaurants, but this is number one. The sandwiches were also delicious. It comes with fruit, and no matter what you say, the delicious coffee comes with free refills. The atmosphere of the shop is very relaxing and has a great retro feel. Even though the store staff is busy. ``Please take your time.'' She greets customers with a smile. This is a store that I have come to love. I hope you all do too.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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