Kenohido Yaizu i Yaizu

JapanKenohido Yaizu



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒425-0036 Shizuoka, Yaizu, Nishikogawa, 1-chōme−11−9
kontakter telefon: +81 50-5461-0226
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.8615115, Longitude: 138.308466

kommentar 5




    I went into the store for the first time in a while. I was also looking for food as I was a little hungry. The menu for the meal starting at 2:00 pm included eel bowl, ginger grilled bowl, and roast beef bowl, so I chose the ginger bowl. The volume was quite good. The seasoning is gentle, and there are shredded cabbage spread between the meat and the rice. The temperature was rising a bit, so I drank lemon squash. It has quite a lemony taste, and I added a little gum syrup to make it easier to drink. The refreshing feeling is unbelievable. ~Previously during the coronavirus pandemic~ I used the take-out morning meal for 400 yen. I ordered an iced coffee, a hot dog, and an egg & tuna salad sandwich. Less coffee, more ice! The hot dogs and bread were delicious.

  • emoemo z

    emoemo z


    Unlike stores in Shizuoka City, the store has a suitable amount of private space, so you can spend your time in peace. I entered a small room that looked like a den for two people, and it was a very comfortable space. There is also a morning service, and you can choose from several patterns. They also have a menu that you can add to, which is very comprehensive. I added a half-sized sandwich. In particular, the salads are all-you-can-eat with plenty of vegetables, making it a health-conscious restaurant. There is ample parking available, so you can feel safe coming by car. A meal menu is also available, so you won't have any problems even if you come here for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. The staff at the store are also very nice and helpful. I would like to go again.

  • まこりん。



    I came after 3pm on a Sunday, and the parking lot was full. I waited about 10 minutes to enter the store. I wonder what the young female staff member who came to take our order is so annoyed about!? Is it because I'm busy? But I feel bad even if it's directed at us. It's a stylish store, but unless the employees are properly trained, the number of repeat customers won't increase.

  • 風邪のヒューイ



    At dinner time, I received a Japanese-style hamburger set. Is the price a little high when ordering? That's what I thought, but it turned out to be a meal with more volume than the price, well-balanced ingredients, and a beautiful and healthy meal. The chef seemed to be a woman, and I felt that she had a unique flair, and the food was very delicious!

  • Louie Santiago

    Louie Santiago


    The place is cozy and the dessert are really good.

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