Katsusato muro i Toyohashi

JapanKatsusato muro



🕗 åbningstider

19-1 Muronakamurachō, Toyohashi, Aichi 441-8093, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 532-31-6639
internet side: www.katsusato.com
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Latitude: 34.7486455, Longitude: 137.3555684

kommentar 5

  • 大蜜



    Delicious with strong seasoning! Mainly counter seating, with few table seats.

  • ましまし



    I ordered a double loin cutlet set meal. The cutlet was fried crispy and looked delicious, but the cabbage was so sloppily drained that water collected on the plate and the cutlet was soaked... The rice is served in such a way that it can be squeezed into a bowl, so the rice gets crushed and is difficult to eat. I drank it as soon as it arrived, but the pork soup was a little lukewarm. The good thing is that it was delivered quickly after ordering. I tried to fill out the questionnaire provided, but there was only paper and no pen, so I decided that I didn't want to let them fill out the questionnaire. Too poor compared to other stores

  • しょー



    Perhaps because the manager has changed recently, the cutlets were a bit over fried, making them a bit hard and dry. There is short hair on the top of the katsudon... It was better when I was with the previous manager! I personally prefer the Shiratori store in Toyokawa. Also, please note that the business hours are until 22:00, but the last order is at 21:00.

  • Noboru Tojo

    Noboru Tojo


    I went looking for a restaurant where I could eat lunch after 2pm. My name is Katsato and I am based in Tahara City. They have a lunch menu, and you can get katsudon sets and tonkatsu set meals at reasonable prices. Since it's late, we'll have a small bowl lunch so that it doesn't affect our dinner. Choose the half katsudon with pork soup and fried chicken. There was only one other customer, so we had to wait a while. When the food arrived, it looked big, but since the legs of the bowl were large, it was actually half size. The tender meat and sweet seasoning make it a delicious katsudon! The pork soup is delicious with red miso and just the right amount of fat. The pork soup could have been changed a lot. The fried chicken is crunchy with a soy sauce-flavored batter. Thank you for the meal! It's a tonkatsu restaurant, so you can eat a lot of it, but I'm glad they serve half-sized pieces. I think it's good to be able to eat a regular size rice bowl lunch at a great price. There's also a gluttony challenge menu, where you can eat 6 servings in 30 minutes for free.

  • カープ男子



    I ordered super spicy fried chicken ramen and roasted pork cutlet (single item). They claim it's "extremely spicy," but I thought it wouldn't be that spicy, but I was wrong. I'm surprisingly okay with spicy food, but this one was spicy. But it's a bitter aftertaste. The Japanese pepper is also effective, and it feels a little numb. The store clerk's response was normal and I didn't feel bad about it. Set meals are the norm, so if you would like a single item, please check with the staff when ordering. The price is not expensive and the taste is not bad, so I will use it again. Cards cannot be used for payment, but PayPal can be used.

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