Katsuki Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology w Hiroshima

JaponiaKatsuki Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-14-24 Koihonmachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0812, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 82-272-5588
strona internetowej: www.katsuki-clinic.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.3928076, Longitude: 132.425741

komentarze 5

  • 花千



    It's a wonderful maternity hospital. If I have a chance to have another baby, I will do it here✨ Even if the wait is long, I will definitely come here. (I go first thing in the morning, so there is no waiting time) On the day of birth There are three rooms for childbirth: a delivery room, an LDR room, and a Japanese-style room. Am I in the delivery room? It was an LDR room. The bed is wide enough that you can sit cross-legged or crawl on all fours, and it feels quite spacious. It feels like freestyle. The midwife will be by your side until the end. Immediately after birth, your baby will be placed on your stomach. During this time, the placenta will be removed and the doctor will take care of it. After the kangaroo care, you will be given a full body wipe and changed from Katsuki's birthing clothes to the pajamas you brought with you. For posterior labor, you can choose Loxonin or Calonal. Once you finish taking it, you can ask for the next dose, and the midwife will ask you if you need any medicine. he asks. My birth plan has also come true. How to spend your hospital stay You can choose whether you want breast milk, milk, or a mixture. For milk or mixed milk, you will receive milk, a baby bottle, disinfectant, and a kettle in the room, and you can freely give breast milk to milk. You can leave your baby with us whenever you want. (I left it there from 8pm to 9am every day) There will be body wiping sessions from 9am to 10am, so be careful if you are planning to visit. Showers are available by reservation. New towels are provided every time. There are also towels to wash your body with. During your stay in the hospital, you will receive a 50-minute beauty treatment and a celebratory meal. cooked rice The rice is absolutely delicious and luxurious. Every day is like a celebration. The portions are just right, the fruits and vegetables are sweet and delicious, and the fish is moist and tender without being dry. The seasoning is just right and I eat it every time. The snacks are also very delicious. I really didn't want to leave the hospital🥹 About the amount I gave birth early on a weekday, and the cost was 580,000 yen. Staff Everyone cares so much I felt that the care was meticulous! Even when mother and child were in the same room, they didn't leave me alone and visited me. Have you ever had any trouble? everyone asks. We will be happy to assist you with painkillers and laxatives. Points of concern ① The foot cushion of the chair in the shower room ① can be easily removed with just a slight movement. ②The cot the baby sleeps on looks like something you would find in an old municipal hospital, and it doesn't move up and down. ③ The head and legs of the bed in the room can be raised and lowered, but the height of the bed itself cannot be changed, so those who have had a cesarean section or had a difficult delivery may find it difficult to get up from the bed. Prenatal checkup If you register at 8:00 on Saturday, it will end at 9:00. Weekdays will probably end early as well. Recommended for those who prefer less waiting time! There is plenty of parking available at that time. If you don't want to wait long, go early! If you don't like that, please go to another maternity hospital.

  • s k

    s k


    Thank you to Katsuki Obstetrics and Gynecology for your help from infertility treatment! I received infertility treatment from two different obstetrics and gynecology clinics, but both of them didn't suit me and I quit infertility treatment, but if I were to start again, I would like to receive treatment and give birth at a proper clinic. , I went to Kazuki Obstetrics and Gynecology, which had separate waiting rooms for obstetrics and infertility, which I was curious about. Having separate waiting rooms made me feel more comfortable, which was great, and during my infertility treatment, the doctor explained the stages in an easy-to-understand way, so I felt at ease. Thanks to that, we were able to have a child within six months. It was my first time seeing an obstetrician, so I discussed many concerns about childbirth, but the midwives and doctors kindly explained to me and I was able to give birth safely. Even after giving birth, the midwife taught me things I didn't understand and took care of my baby when I was having a hard time. Honestly, it was so stress-free that I wanted to stay in the hospital forever. The rice was also very delicious with a well-balanced menu! I felt so lucky to have given birth here! I am very satisfied with everything from infertility to childbirth. If I ever have another child, I would like to be indebted to Katsuki-san.

  • くろすけまっくろ



    I was very satisfied from the consultation to the postpartum period. I didn't specify a doctor, but I had three doctors examine me during my pregnancy. Not only was he polite, but he spoke in a positive manner, so it was easy to talk to him about trivial matters. It was my first time giving birth, and my water broke in the middle of the night. I was worried about taking labor stimulants. The midwives and nurses were both kind and reassuring. The mother and baby were placed in the same room together the same day after giving birth. Actually, she told me that she would go back to the postpartum room at 8pm and take care of her, and the mother and baby started sharing the same room the next day. I was able to take care of my baby from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM on the first day after giving birth, and also at night, so I asked her to take a good rest and get a good rest. Although mother and child were only allowed to stay in the same room from the second day, I was grateful that the space had a comfortable atmosphere where I could leave my child there at any time. Breastfeeding, milk, and diaper changing guidance With careful guidance, I was able to proceed without feeling rushed. The facility is clean, the food is delicious, and the people are nice. I think there may be long waiting times or difficulty getting reservations, but I'm so satisfied that I don't feel stressed at all. (Visitors are allowed from 9:00 to 21:00. The vending machines carry napkins and other items provided by maternity hospitals. There were also nipple protectors available for loan. )

  • Lala



    I gave birth here last August 2023 and I can say that my experience giving birth here was great. I am a foreigner and speaks very little Nihongo. I was glad that the doctor can speak English too. The only downside I have here was the long waiting time during checkups but despite of that, I can say that they took care of me and my baby very well. The foods were delicious and nutritious. Facilities are clean as well. I'm glad we decided to go here, I really had a lovely experience and smooth recovery in this clinic.

  • RX-93FFv2



    A nice place to have a check up. Two thumbs up to friendly staff and a good doctor who can explain everything in English. I waited for a bit of time on my second visit but it didn't matter to me because I enjoyed the cozy swivel chair at the waiting lounge plus the relaxing atmosphere brought by the mini garden covered with glass panels on the second floor.Proper cleanliness is strictly observed in all areas and hand disinfectants in every corner including inside the elevator. All in all my experience here is really great. The clinic is quite far from my place but I won't get tired of going here for my health check up.

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