はぴねす鍼灸整骨院 中広院 w Hiroshima

Japoniaはぴねす鍼灸整骨院 中広院



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-20-10 Nakahiromachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0012, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 82-295-7717
strona internetowej: nakahiro-seitai.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.4027241, Longitude: 132.4418564

komentarze 5

  • 和手茜



    I came to this orthopedic clinic after reading reviews and other information in order to balance my autonomic nervous system. The clinic has a very bright atmosphere and is easy to access! She performs the treatment very carefully and teaches me how to stretch myself, so I put it into practice☺︎ My health is gradually improving, so I'm glad I started coming here.

  • f y

    f y


    It's been 2 months since I started going to a chiropractor for the first time in my life. I'm 40 years old now, and I've lived my whole life without ever going to the hospital, but there have been times when I suddenly felt dizzy and lightheaded and had to be taken by ambulance, and I've been to more than 10 hospitals, but my autonomic nervous system? As a result, there was no treatment and I was fighting the fear of dizziness every day. At that time, a friend asked me to go to an osteopathic clinic. I chose this because it seemed to have a strong autonomic nervous system. On the day of the visit, the staff were very responsive and easy to talk to, and for the first time, I received a clear answer about how to improve my autonomic nervous disorder, so I trusted them and decided to leave them to them. However, I'm getting better day by day, and I've been able to get a lot of advice from people, which has helped me a lot. If you are worried about your autonomic nervous system, I think you should definitely see it once! I look forward to working with you. 🙇‍♂️

  • たかたかゆうゆう



    About a year ago, I hurt my left hip and went to a chiropractor, massaged, and tried stretching on my own, but instead of getting better, my knee and ankle started to hurt, and finally my right knee started hurting. . I often woke up in the middle of the night with pain, and I asked for medical attention because I thought I might not be able to walk if this continued. The initial consultation was very thorough and the explanations were easy to understand and I was able to receive the treatment with confidence. All the staff are friendly and have a homely atmosphere. The treatment is approached from various directions, and he explains in detail that if something is wrong here, it will also be bad, so I can trust him very much. We can also teach you simple stretches that you can do at home. Since I started going to the clinic, the pain has definitely gone away and I feel much better. I am very grateful that my previous feelings of anxiety and fear about not being able to walk have disappeared. I do not think that my physical condition, which has worsened over the years, will completely recover any time soon, so I would like to continue going to the clinic.




    When I searched for back pain (severe pain even when putting on and taking off clothes, to the point that it interferes with daily life), our local clinic came up first, and after reading the reviews, I immediately called and said, ``This is it!'' I was able to make a reservation on the same day. After a thorough interview, he explained in detail the cause of my pain, treatment policy, and how the body works, and kindly guided me through setting my ultimate goals. I honestly thought to myself, ``I'm going to have complete trust and entrust my body and soul to the end!'' It's been about 3 weeks since I had my first treatment, and thanks to her easy-to-understand instructions on not only each treatment, but also things to be careful of in daily life and simple stretches that I can do myself, I'm feeling much better than I used to. I feel my body gradually loosening up. The director and the acupuncturists in charge are young, but they all heal not only the body but also the mind. more! more! There is something I would like to write about, but rather than discussing it, I highly recommend that you actually undergo the treatment.

  • Lapu DemioN

    Lapu DemioN


    It's located in the city and has a parking lot (5 spaces), and there's a coin park nearby, so it's easy to get to by car. The clinic is bright, the doctors are friendly and helpful, and the treatments are excellent. Once, when I hurt my lower back to the point that I couldn't move, the treatment relieved the pain fairly quickly. I'm busy with work and tend to skip my daily stretching routine, so I come here to reset my body. Thanks to your support, I have no recurrence of lower back pain and am able to continue my favorite bike touring experience.

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