Kappō Sushi Shigeno in Kanazawa

JapanKappō Sushi Shigeno



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-8-22 Katamachi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0981, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 76-222-4811
webseite: shigeno.owst.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.558143, Longitude: 136.6511584

kommentare 5

  • nanami chan

    nanami chan


    We ate at the counter, and the atmosphere was nice and the owner and his son were friendly and we had a great time. The food is delicious and it's a restaurant you'll come back to again and again.

  • Satoru Ikeya

    Satoru Ikeya


    I went to dinner at a partner of the inn I was staying at. The first floor is a counter, and the second floor is a private room for entertaining guests. Dishes that make use of carefully crafted ingredients will leave your taste buds satisfied. It was a little disappointing that the part-time server who was serving the food didn't understand the food and was just handing it out without any explanation. It's delicious but it's a waste.

  • Aisaenic



    I absolutely loved this place! For my reservation, I requested crab and they did not disappoint in sourcing one locally. The 8000 yen set course intrigued my palate and expanded it in a lot of ways. I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent at the counter, and appreciate the staff for making me feel welcome to Kanazawa. Thank you!

  • a A

    a A


    I used Kanazawa Delicious Ticket Blue (5000 yen). The meal includes 10 pieces of sushi, yellowtail radish, Shirako tempura, soup, and dessert. Sushi and tempura are made with ingredients that are usually hard to find locally, and yellowtail radish is simmered for several days to make it soft and you can even eat the bones! Every dish was really delicious. The people at the store were kind and we had a lively conversation. I was able to spend a very satisfying time, filling both my stomach and my heart.

  • val yoder

    val yoder


    We had a great time at this sushi restaurant. I think I ate a cicada, or was it a crayfish shell? Great food, good prices, fun chef! If you like baseball, you will get along fine.

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