Kappa Sushi i Okayama

JapanKappa Sushi



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒701-0204 Okayama, Minami Ward, Ōfuku, 字前阪381-1
kontakter telefon: +81 86-281-9393
internet side: www.kappasushi.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6213433, Longitude: 133.8740897

kommentar 5

  • Rie



    I got in right away at lunchtime on a weekday! Sushi for 110 yen per plate is not available these days, but you can eat cheap and delicious sushi. The process from entering to leaving the store is almost automatic, and the cash register is self-service, so there is little interaction with store staff. You order at your seat, and it is delivered to your seat on a rail. There were seats and menus for children, and side menus such as udon noodles. If it's a children's menu, it looks like you can make a gacha-gacha. The parking lot is large and easy to park.

  • 早稲田ジェロニモ



    I used to go there often in my hometown (Tobu Nerima store, perhaps?). There are various toppings for shrimp, so shrimp lovers will be happy. The soybean meat salad was safe and had a good impression. I hope that eco-meat will expand.

  • くーにゃん



    Since lunch was late😢, I came to Kappa Sushi for the first time in a while... For now, I ordered a set of 12 pieces for 745 yen including tax😗Tuna, albacore tuna, yellowtail, salmon, shrimp, and whelk shellfish, 2 pieces each... Nowadays, conveyor belt sushi prices are going up, so I might appreciate a reasonable set... Unusual Nigiri 110 yen is also a lot 🤔 If it's a chain store, I might recommend it 😀

  • ジェリートム



    The inside of the store was bright and clean. There's nothing in the lane, so you order everything on the touch panel and it's delivered right in front of you. It's been a while since I last went there, but compared to the past, the content and sushi were much smaller. Personally, the onion tempura was crispy and delicious.

  • Brent Dowland

    Brent Dowland


    The size of the sushi is small since they remade their brand with new signs and plates. They cut cost on rice and fish portion size. I am disappointed, we are not supposed to notice??

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