Gyoza no Ohsho i Okayama

JapanGyoza no Ohsho



🕗 åbningstider

517-4 Shimonakano, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0973, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 86-241-8134
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.63813, Longitude: 133.903062

kommentar 5

  • 山口



    It's been a while since I last visited the children. It's perfect for families to come. Maybe it's Saturday We have had many customers since the opening. The children are growing up too It eats well without leaving anything behind. On the contrary, I'm worried that it might be too small.

  • ケンダル



    I went there 20 minutes before opening on Christmas Eve, and there were already several people waiting. By 11 o'clock, the number of customers had increased rapidly, and by the time the store opened, there were dozens of people waiting in line. I sat in an empty seat in the order I entered. I heard that Tianjin fried rice and mapo tofu were delicious, so I ordered them for the first time. We also ordered gyoza, stir-fried vegetables, and sweet and sour pork. I thought the stir-fried vegetables were better when eaten at a physical store, but they were even better when I ordered them through Uber Eats. The mapo tofu was so spicy that it hit my throat, so I could hardly eat it. The first time I had Tianjin fried rice, it was delicious, but the rice was a little hard. It may have contained. Maybe I overcooked it because I was busy. I wish I could have gone at a more calm time. Unfortunately, the cashier was extremely slow and I had to wait, and some of the female clerks just left the items without asking me.

  • グゴグゴ



    The bypass is crowded and the car won't move, so be sure to eat your fill. Towards a stable king. Unforgettable Chinese soba set 6 gyoza 🥟 (more garlic) The Chinese noodles are chicken based and soy sauce flavored🤔 The noodles are water-added curly noodles with a jiggly texture🤤 Traditional Chinese soba. Personally, I think the Nippon Ramen 🍜 that I had before was more shocking 😅 The number of gyoza 🥟 has increased from 3 to 6. All 6 items were changed to include more garlic. It's been a while since I last visited, so I forgot to order the gyoza grilled on both sides😅 ↑Personally, I prefer grilled on both sides because it's crispier🤤 Eat with vinegar pepper and gyoza sauce 😋 Please see the attached menu 😎

  • うまいもん岡山



    🍜Menu I ordered this time ▶︎Chicken noodles 830 yen ▶︎Fried rice 495 yen ▶︎Gyoza 275 yen ▶︎Dumplings with extra garlic 319 yen When I went there around 4:30pm, the store was empty. (*By the time I left, after 5pm, there were surprisingly many people.) It's quite spacious, with table seats, tatami rooms, and counter seats. There are about 100 seats in total. I was surprised that there were counter seats. You can easily go alone 💡 Chili noodles (Rasaimen) are spicy❗️ It seems that numbing and spicy foods contain hot pepper, chili oil, and Japanese pepper, and are numbing and spicy. I found out about it for the first time today when I searched for it 😅 It tasted exactly like spicy 🎵 Gyoza is very delicious 😋 As expected from the king of gyoza❗️Very satisfied!! ️ Gyoza with extra garlic is a bit strange💦 The inside is mostly garlic. It tastes like just wrapping garlic in skin. Since the size doesn't change, does that mean "more garlic = less meat"? I'm satisfied with being the king general after a long time. It was delicious😋 Thank you for the meal🙏

  • Rogerio Kuhara Pirani

    Rogerio Kuhara Pirani


    I love this place! Chinese food, tasty!

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