Kappa Sushi i Fukuyama

JapanKappa Sushi



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Kawakita-1533 Kannabechō, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 720-2123, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 84-960-3778
internet side: www.kappasushi.jp
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Latitude: 34.5419387, Longitude: 133.3641755

kommentar 5

  • maru wann

    maru wann


    It's crazy delicious! My wife loves it and goes there sometimes even by herself. You place your order using the touch panel (which is not removable and is not easy to use).You will be notified by voice, but if you are not concentrating, it is difficult to understand and you may miss it...I hope they improve this... Random conveyor belt sushi ranking 1. Hamazushi Ekiya branch 2. Sushiro Kannabe branch 3. Kappa Sushi Frespo Kannabe

  • 福山の案内人



    Children will be happy because it comes by Shinkansen 😃 The taste is average. It's located in Frespo, so it gets pretty crowded on Saturdays and Sundays.

  • Jurina Hamada

    Jurina Hamada


    What bothers me is the lack of energy. It comes with this. I understand that the material is not flowing in the lane, but even if you order it on the terminal, it is slow to arrive. I was disappointed that even though I was progressing at normal speed, the story was not covered. The good thing is that even if there are dozens of people waiting at other restaurants, you can be seated right away. It seems that the skills of the individual clerks are fine. The key is the plan and operation, and I'm looking forward to the store's excitement.

  • りばぱるるん



    There were few customers and the atmosphere was empty. As others have mentioned, it takes a long time from ordering to delivery. The wait time between each dish was about 10 to 15 minutes, making it difficult to enjoy the meal. I visited the store once a few years ago, hoping for improvements, but nothing has changed. I was so disappointed that I ate 3 dishes and went home. The staff boy was also unfriendly and the dinner was a mess...

  • H Y

    H Y


    Came in for lunch on a weekday. Currently, it is completely order-based, and orders are placed on the touch panel at the opening lane. When you get close, you will receive a notification on the display. Because the order system is completely order-based, all you have to do to pay is to use the touch panel and go to the register, so you can check out and leave the store quickly. Credit cards and PayPay can be used. Various barcode payments are possible. What was good about it ◇There are many 110 yen plates, so it's perfect for lunch. ◇I don't know why so many people forget to order something, but the staff was kind. What I was curious about ◆If you are alone, it is difficult to leave your seat to use the restroom after ordering. ◆Customers are not used to the complete order system. ◆Supermarket food is more delicious.

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