Kanzaburo i Machida




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒194-0013 Tokyo, Machida, Haramachida, 6-chōme−19−10 立木ビル 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 42-721-5527
internet side: kanzaburo.owst.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.5438463, Longitude: 139.4476513

kommentar 5

  • だーかわ



    When it gets busy, the food is served a little slow, but it's very delicious! The store is also nice and clean! There is a tatami room, and you can relax at the counter, so I think it can be used by large groups or dates! I think I want to go again!

  • 加藤直美



    The liver of the filefish that was swimming just now was exquisite! The course + all-you-can-drink price was 4,980 yen, and the appetizer, 3 types of sashimi, filefish, fried chicken, grilled oysters, hot pot, and udon noodles were chewy. Everything is fresh, delicious, and great value for money.

  • かいる桜華に




  • Mario Supria

    Mario Supria


    I had the pleasure of enjoying some of the finest raw seafood I've ever tasted at this establishment. The food arrived promptly, and the waitresses were incredibly courteous, kind, and eager to assist. The restaurant strikes a balance between modern upkeep and traditional Japanese ambiance. I relished the experience, indulging in a wide array of dishes from their diverse menu aka I loved everything.

  • MooN



    A very good restaurant for seafood lovers. There was a lot of seafood, and the sashimi was very fresh. The atmosphere inside the restaurant was noisy, but I was surprised at how delicious all the food was.

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