Haneage Machida Honten i Machida

JapanHaneage Machida Honten



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6-chōme-11-16 Haramachida, Machida, Tokyo 194-0013, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 42-794-7940
internet side: tabelog.com
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Latitude: 35.5439801, Longitude: 139.4461608

kommentar 5

  • Taro Yamada

    Taro Yamada


    A good place to chill with friends. Open for 24 hours. Chicken wings, cheese with Japanese pickles and salty cabbages are just good. Order with smartphones.

  • Yodou Syuu (Syuu)

    Yodou Syuu (Syuu)


    On a Friday night, I was trying to decide what to eat with a friend when I saw yakitori chicken wings and was intrigued, so I came to this restaurant. The restaurant was already busy and there were plenty of seats. I ordered the chicken wings and the taste was really good and the outside was a little crunchy! We also ordered fried gyoza and grilled gyoza. The crispy skin was very delicious. I also ordered chicken cheese dakgalbi. I love the sweet and spicy taste ~ I think it's very delicious! Moreover, the overall price is cheap, the alcohol is cheap, and there is no appetizer fee (´∀`=)

  • エミエミ



    I was looking for a second store, but it seems like the neighborhood closes surprisingly early. This is open for 24 hours so don't hesitate to enter! Ordering from your smartphone is smooth and the delivery speed is perfect. It's a little noisy because the seats are so close to the ones next to me, but the prices are reasonable and I feel it's very good for a popular pub! It was crowded with a wide range of customers, from students to office workers.

  • 徳永理恵



    I went in because it was open from noon. small quantity There wasn't any particularly delicious food either.

  • 岩田信吾



    Used by 10 people. It's good that the food is small and you can order a variety of things. There were a lot of people this time, so it was a bit difficult to use, but it seems like it would be good for 3 or 4 people to enjoy various snacks while drinking. This is all about cooking! It's a shame that there was nothing like that. It's open 24 hours a day, there's a lunch menu, and you can drink alcohol, but I don't think you'll be able to take the initiative to use it.

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