Kansai Super en Suita

JapónKansai Super



🕗 horarios

17-1 Saideraminamigaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0837, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6821-0211
sitio web: www.kansaisuper.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7787412, Longitude: 135.5173023

comentarios 5

  • Norishige



    Inside is a 100-yen store, McDonald's, a multi-copy machine, and an ATM, so it's spacious. It's clean and there's a parking lot. The price is reasonable, but you can trust the product. In this day and age, there are regular egg sales, so I take advantage of them. I would be happy if I could use quick pay as well.

  • 器


    There are some products that are not available at AEON affiliated stores, and I think the sale items are really bargain prices. Personally, after using it, I feel a little more confident in its quality compared to other supermarkets. It's convenient because it's in a commercial complex, and the rooftop parking lot with a nice view is also convenient.

  • Nariksh Atokpas

    Nariksh Atokpas


    Good stuff

  • KOTA Shaka

    KOTA Shaka


    Kansai supermarkets are located in the basement of Hankyu Takatsuki, Ibaraki City, and Minoh City. The number of stores allows us to offer purchase prices that are second to none. I have never seen such a price even for the giant AEON. Oysters from Okayama Prefecture. 5 oysters per pack of super large oysters. Half price class at ¥198. I used it for heating, so I made Japanese-style meuniere and stir-fried butter and soy sauce. And...February is already over. There is an abundance of bounty from the mountain fields that makes you feel like spring. Butterbur sprouts, cod sprouts, kogomi, thin peas, silkworm beans, wild udon...spring cabbage. It's full of ingredients that tickle the hearts of chefs. This time, the oysters from Okayama Prefecture were amazing. I also prepared it properly with salt water. Great ingredients. It is up to the creator to make it live or kill it. For your reference. Instagram shaka_photo

  • Marko Ćošković

    Marko Ćošković


    Great amount of choice and very affordable prices

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