Kanie Tomiyoshi Post Office en Kanie

JapónKanie Tomiyoshi Post Office



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-122 Tomiyoshi, Kanie, Ama District, Aichi 497-0058, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 567-96-1707
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.1223438, Longitude: 136.7698094

comentarios 5

  • myu k

    myu k


    The homepage states that Yu-Pack can be accepted until 5:00 pm, but when I went there around 4:30 pm, I was told that the deadline had already passed for today. ? ? Since it was Friday, the next order would be shipped on Monday. . I don't know if the deadline is due to your own circumstances or what, but I would like you to provide correct information.

  • vera nunez

    vera nunez


    Glad that Jp post is just a step away from my place. It is also convenient location because it’s along the highway. The staff are nice, especially to the guy who is working there, very approachable and trying to understand and help foreigners that can’t speak Japanese very well. But sad to say there is a new staff a woman that seems not nice at all. It was my experienced also the other week i tried to send a package abroad, she approaches me with an attitude. I am not aware of the changes and if there is any, can she explained to me well?? She is not accommodating at all. But the rest of the staff are nice & has the personality that don’t discriminate foreigners & the feeling of we can trust this company Jp post.

  • Bách NT

    Bách NT


    Friendly, can transfer items or make bank cards. Full service

  • sol. zero

    sol. zero


    The response was kind.

  • start bigner

    start bigner


    I looked it up and it said it was open until 8pm, so I went there, but it was already closed at 6:30pm.

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