Inazawa Orizu Post Office en Inazawa

JapónInazawa Orizu Post Office



🕗 horarios

99 Orizuhongocho, Inazawa, Aichi 492-8071, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 587-21-0901
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.2546366, Longitude: 136.8333357

comentarios 5




    Send important documents to the United States via EMS to P.O.BOX. (Yamato, DHL, FEDEX have troubles. Due to the large number of applications, we are not accepting applications. ) I checked with the receptionist and she said there was no problem, so I requested it. After making the request, I checked on Tracking and discovered that it had not been delivered to the recipient. Documents that should have been returned were also lost. Although we requested an investigation, there was no proper response. Finished by refunding the money. Plus, call us on 0570. What happens next? The response did not include the branch manager. This is the case even in the private sector.

  • 市川利春



    When I went to visit Michi, the counter (on the left) was in Hongo, but I didn't know because it was out of the area I was in charge of.He flatly refused.I was stunned by his cold attitude. The quality of the post office is questioned. No wonder there are so many scandals. I don't want to buy even a single postcard.

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  • 男内海寛泰



    I sent the mail

  • 鄒浩



    It's not always crowded so that's helpful. Parking is difficult to park and difficult to get out.

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