Kanazawa Kokusai Hotel in Kanazawa

JapanKanazawa Kokusai Hotel


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Ru-8 ÅŒnukamachi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 921-8565, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 76-296-0111
webseite: www.kanazawakokusaihotel.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.5138625, Longitude: 136.6311505

kommentare 5

  • danny widjaja

    danny widjaja


    Very nice hotel. Room is spacious, food is good. Other facilities are good. Meals also very good, complete range of Japanese menu, with delicious taste. The only disadvantage only the location is not near to city. But for transit, it is very good hotel. Overall good experience during our stay here.

  • Riki Urabe

    Riki Urabe


    Great hotel, although it shows its age. However, it offers one of the best breakfasts for its price range. Moreover, I loved the natural light, which gave the breakfast area a warm tint. The rooms were modernized with USBA charging outlets by the beds. I had to remove a star because there were a few stink bugs in our rooms, but the front desk dealt with the issue swiftly. Despite that, I would still come back if I were to return to the area.

  • Austina Suyouty

    Austina Suyouty


    Old and ancient hotel, the air cond controller is from many years ago, and the room temperature weren't meet our expectation in this super hot summer. But the staff services are good and friendly. They didn't have many choices for breakfast

  • Mushi Mi

    Mushi Mi


    We received complaint twice that we were noisy from the customer below us, even though we just spent as quite usual. Because of that, we had to spend very carefully and couldn't enjoy. Apparently, that's because of the old type building. If you are very nervous for noise, you shouldn't stay. Since breakfast was excellent, my assessment is 2 stars.

  • Sid S.

    Sid S.


    Away from Kanazawa center. If your are on foot, this hotel is not for you. This place is for guests with cars and tour groups. Room is not big. Same as any typical business hotel. So is the bathroom. But it was clean and comfortable. Breakfast was buffet style. Mainly Japanese food. Very limited western selections. However i enjoyed it. Make sure to ask the Front Desk at what time Chinese tour group will come for breakfast. If you are driving, I recommend this place. Not expensive either.

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