カナルデンタルオフィス i Sapporo




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Japan, 〒060-0004 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Kita 4 Jōnishi, 4-chōme−1 ニュー札幌ビル 8F
kontakter telefon: +81 11-207-8866
internet side: endo-ck.com
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Latitude: 43.06568, Longitude: 141.350115

kommentar 5

  • M Y S

    M Y S


    If you are unsure about root canal treatment, I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Canal. From interview to image reading, diagnosis, and treatment, we are exceptional! ︎ I felt really at ease entrusting my work to him as he was a teacher that I felt comfortable with. Of course, the receptionists and dental hygienists are also polite, bright, and attentive, making you feel at ease. The first time, I went to a clinic that was covered by insurance, but I started to have some concerns, so I was confused and decided to go here based on word of mouth. He was such a wonderful teacher that I regretted not asking him from the first time. I visited several clinics before visiting here, and I found that the doctor's findings from the image reading at the initial counseling session were actually accurate, and I also learned about other possible cases, treatment methods, and possibilities after treatment. The only person who was able to clearly explain this to me during the counseling session was the teacher. (This was something that was kept vague both at the hospital where I was actually being treated and during counseling sessions at other hospitals.) The treatment is also very thorough, from the anesthesia to the procedure, to the point where I accidentally fell asleep during the procedure. Of course, most of the equipment is up-to-date, and the photos you can see on the large-screen monitors are spectacular. I felt that he was very passionate about research based on his background in HP, etc., but his knowledge, skills, and dependable personality were wonderful, and he was willing to help me with any other concerns I had, no matter how far away I definitely want to leave it up to the teacher. There was a time when I hesitated because of the cost, but for me it is more important to have a doctor I can trust to properly treat me than to waste the cost of treatment and end up damaging my teeth, or more importantly, suffer from endless neuralgia. did. Although it would be better if nothing happened, I would definitely like to take care of you if something happens again. Thank you very much, teacher!

  • Rie



    I received treatment the other day. I was informed that there was a possibility of pain after the anesthesia wore off, but I did not feel any particular pain. Both explanation and treatment are thorough. Also, the teacher is beautiful and cool! The atmosphere of all the staff is also very good ♪ It's a self-pay treatment, so it costs a lot of money, but I'm glad I went because I was able to get the treatment right (^^) Added in August 2022 Last time I treated my front teeth, this time it was my back teeth. The doctor was as beautiful as ever and the treatment was amazing! The treatment for my back teeth was more difficult than for my front teeth (because my jaw was tired), but I was so relieved by the careful treatment that I fell asleep halfway through (lol) I think she has a lot of fans, both men and women, because she is beautiful and has good skills (^^)b♪

  • Kumi H

    Kumi H


    The doctors and staff all made me feel at ease while receiving treatment in a gentle and calming atmosphere. I started the root canal treatment, which I had always been afraid of, and it was so comfortable that I started to feel sleepy. At first, I was hesitant about the cost of the treatment because I am used to receiving medical treatment under insurance, but in the end I realized that it was cheaper after thinking about having a tooth extracted and having an implant, and thinking that I could protect my teeth. I would like to take care of you again if anything happens. thank you very much!

  • Akiko Yamashita

    Akiko Yamashita


    It's a very stylish and comfortable space that makes it hard to believe that you're actually a dentist, and the doctor is so beautiful! After a very thorough consultation, I received the treatment. The dental assistant is also cheerful, and the teacher's personality is very kind and wonderful. It was so comfortable that I fell asleep during the treatment. I will definitely come here again when I need root treatment for my teeth. I'm very, very, very satisfied.

  • yasuko k

    yasuko k


    We are the only dental clinic in Hokkaido that specializes in root canal treatment. The teacher is truly a specialist! He is top-notch not only in his treatment but also in his explanations and responses. It's not cheap as it is a self-pay treatment, but it makes me feel like it was worth it. Although the hospital is located in a rather retro building, the inside of the hospital is very modern and stylish.

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