救急医療情報案内センター i Sapporo



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6 Chome Odorinishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0042, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 120-208-699
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Latitude: 43.0593654, Longitude: 141.3480881

kommentar 4

  • W119 W119

    W119 W119


    From around 23:00 on April 21, 2024 I had been suffering from abdominal pain for three hours, and there was nothing I could do about it, so I called the #7119 Emergency Medical Information Center. When you tell them your symptoms, you will be transferred to a nurse! and turned into a nurse, There is only a night emergency center on Odori 19th Street! That's what I mean. They won't do anything for you, so please go to another hospital! That ends! ” I didn’t have any taxi fare, so when I told her, “I don’t have any transportation expenses!”, she cut me off and said, “Take care!” (crying)

  • らららななな



    The woman who called me had such a bad attitude that I was annoyed and my education was not improving.

  • 前原大次郎



    It's helpful because you can immediately be guided to a place where you can receive emergency treatment.

  • Miho Hori

    Miho Hori


    Can't connect from mobile phone

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