Sakuraya en 弥彦村




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1043-41, 弥彦 弥彦村 西蒲原郡 新潟県 959-0323, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 256-94-2009
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.7001033, Longitude: 138.8320112

comentarios 5

  • ゆたゆた



    This is the cafe in Sakuraya's lobby lounge. Enjoy lunch. Alcohol is also available.

  • Koji Kawamura

    Koji Kawamura


    I visited the cafe for lunch and received today's daily seafood bowl and a limited-time fig parfait. All the ingredients in the seafood bowl are delicious, and the miso soup is also gentle. The tea served after the meal is also delicious. The fig parfait has many layers of figs that create a complex flavor. The apple parfait seems a little sweeter. Best of all, you can enjoy your meal in a calm space, away from the hustle and bustle, with soothing background music.

  • kktsかすゆき



    I came here because I wanted to try the fig parfait. The whole fig was voluminous and delicious. I would like to come again next year.

  • 氷川整体の伊藤



    I visited on a trip. Use the day trip hot spring around 13:00 I had time until the 3:00pm train, and I had seen all the other places, so I was wondering what to do, and then I decided that I could have coffee here. It was a delicious coffee with no sourness. Can I stay longer? When I asked her, she smiled and said, “Of course!” Thank you for saying that It was a fun trip

  • notchmh



    Great value for daily lunch Coffee is also delicious I would like to see more types of herbal tea.

Cafetería más cercano

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