Kakogawa Medical Center in Kakogawa

JapanKakogawa Medical Center


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Kanno-203 Kannochō, Kakogawa, Hyogo 675-8555, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 79-497-7000
webseite: www.kenkako.jp
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Latitude: 34.7744577, Longitude: 134.8822764

kommentare 5

  • akira yuan

    akira yuan


    The other day, I went to Kakogawa Medical Center for the first time. I went to see an orthopedic surgeon with a referral letter, but was surprised at the long waiting time. This is my fourth appointment today. I usually go to the internal medicine department at Kakogawa Central Municipal Hospital. I make a lot of comparisons. It's my feeling The waiting time for a consultation is about twice as long at Kakogawa Medical Center. Both tests were conducted almost on time. The calculation time for Kakogawa Medical Center is also considerably longer. The other day, I saw an elderly man who was in a fit of pain when he handed over a file to the calculator and was asked to listen to an explanation of the test. Even though I was not feeling well, I had to wait so long, and when I finally finished and went to do the calculations, I had to explain again... I guess they couldn't control their feelings... I could hear everyone saying, ``I understand, I understand.'' After that, 3 people in charge of calculations and accounting gathered together and sneaked in... 2 people came over. The five of us are sneaking around... I feel like I'm the one who's waiting to hear what's going on and quickly do the math. I feel bad for the math person who was yelled at, but unless the system is changed, this waiting time... it will be really tough on the elderly and patients. I'd like to see a doctor, so I'll wait, even if it's still a while... I'll think about it next...

  • ジョーカー14



    The equipment is up-to-date...the doctors are hit or miss...the office staff/nurses are nice...the doctors change often... Many of the doctors are young, so it depends on their personality...When I was previously hospitalized, I was shown to a private room even though there was a vacant room, and I paid a considerable amount of money...I later learned that I didn't have to pay... I felt a sense of disbelief.

  • Manny Medina

    Manny Medina


    Hospital staff was very friendly and helpful even though they did not speak English. I had stomach issues and my issue was resolved, also I had no insurance and the cost was not expensive.

  • 瑠璃



    My mother is undergoing orthopedic surgery. Waiting times vary depending on the day. Sometimes it's right away, sometimes you have to wait for an hour or more due to an emergency or various other circumstances, but the doctor listens carefully to you, so you feel at ease and calm. The nurses and teachers are also very kind and nice. Reception and accounting are prompt and courteous. I think it's good. The cleaning staff always keep it clean. At the temperature check at the entrance, my mother is in a wheelchair, and when I told her that she had lost her gloves, the nurse who was at the temperature check went to the parking lot entrance to look for her. He was a nice person with a gentle smile and way of speaking. thank you very much. The food at the cafeteria is delicious, and the handmade bread at the convenience store is delicious. The melon bread is especially popular and sells out quickly. (Purchase up to three items per person)

  • 赤ずきん



    My child visited an otorhinolaryngology clinic with a referral from his family doctor, but I was told that there was a different treatment method that would not cure the symptoms, and that there might be a different cause (the mother's fault). One word. No, no, if you have a different approach, please tell me how to treat it.In the end, when I had to hand over the file to take to the accountant, I told the nurse that I didn't have to come again. I didn't ask him to go to this hospital, but I knew this was going to happen, so I asked my doctor many times to recommend a different hospital, but in the end I felt sick and it was a waste of time.

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